Reminder: Progress Over Perfection

Raise your hand if you’ve ever felt like walking away from something because you didn’t feel it was worthy enough or waited to launch your new idea because you just didn’t feel like it was quite ready yet. I know I’ve been there many times. I realized that for those of us who work in creative fields and have our own business, it’s so easy to let perfection hold us back. The good news is that if we change the way we see progress and embrace the imperfect moments, we can finally let go of the idea that everything we produce and create needs to be perfect before we put it into the world. Always remember; progress over perfection.

As an entrepreneur, you know that building and growing your business, and your brand isn’t easy. You’re also aware that success doesn’t happen overnight. It requires hard work, dedication, and commitment to excellence. While you want to do everything right, the fact of the matter is you don’t have time to get it all done perfectly—or even near-perfectly—right away, so why not focus on moving forward? After all, progress is more important than perfection when it comes to growing your business and reaching your goals.


Raise your hand if you would consider yourself a workaholic. And I don’t mean that in a bad way. Those of us who have our own business often LOVE the work they do and will spend far more hours working on what we are passionate about than the average person. My kids and husband will tell you that on the days I get to put in some solid work hours, I’m an overall happier person. Why? Because I love what I do. On the days I don’t get to work, I miss it. That sounds a little pitiful, but the truth is that when you love what you do, you might also turn into a workaholic. Or, as I like to call it, someone who’s just really passionate about their work.

But what we forget is that our dreams are not actually about success; they’re about pursuing something meaningful. Once you decide you’re committed to doing something with your life, don’t sacrifice today’s work because you’re worried it won’t be perfect someday. Instead, just do something worthwhile and focus on doing great work rather than perfect work. I promise, in the long run, you’ll realize that’s what really going to get you to your biggest goals.


The most important thing is that you realize that you don’t have to be perfect; not only is it impossible, but it’s unnecessary. Don’t wait for everything to line up perfectly before taking action; take smart action today until you reach your goal (or change course). Perfection will come later when you’re at cruising altitude.

Share your imperfect moments, and always know that focusing on progress over perfection is key in moving in the right direction, and often what others are most interested in seeing from us.

Out of curiosity, I did a fun little poll on my IG stories asking if people were more interested in seeing the finished product OR the process that goes into making said product. And a whopping 96% of people said they rather see the process. So next time you find yourself hiding the messy part of running a business, realize that people would actually prefer to see that over the polished finished piece we typically want to share.


Now, if you’re a type-A business owner with a ton on your plate, there’s a good chance you may think that being productive is about getting as much done as possible. This may work for short-term gains, but it won’t allow you to reach long-term goals.

Building good habits (and the right habits) is critical for helping us move forward toward our goals. Once you’ve identified your goal, it’s time to identify habits that will help you achieve it. To do so, simply ask yourself: what habits am I already doing today that will help me achieve my long-term goals? What changes do I need to make to start moving towards my goal? It really comes down to breaking down your big goals, into tiny little habits you can focus on every day. Eventually, all that progress adds up and will get you where you want to be.


Stop comparing yourself and your progress to others in your industry. As a new business owner, you might be comparing yourself to someone who has been doing it professionally for 10+ years. You might also compare your messy behind-the-scenes action, to that perfect polished piece you see them share online. Regardless, it won’t serve you any good comparing yourself to others. So kick that habit to the curb and learn how to appreciate other people’s work and progress without feeling like it takes anything away from yours.

The desire to attain perfection often prevents us from starting projects at all. This is why entrepreneurs should push themselves to create something—anything—even if it isn’t perfect. Entrepreneurs who fail to complete tasks or produce products eventually lose momentum and motivation. They assume that if they can’t do it right, they shouldn’t do it at all. If you strive for perfection, you may procrastinate and even sabotage your own long-term success. Achieving great things takes persistence and resilience: To become a successful entrepreneur, you must learn how to be imperfect while staying focused on your goals and never giving up on yourself or your dreams.

Imperfect progress is still growth.

Sometimes we’re hard on ourselves. We know that being perfect is not a reality, but that doesn’t stop us from striving for it—to a fault. It may be tempting to scrap what you have and start over if you feel like you haven’t hit your mark just yet, but don’t throw good work away just because it isn’t perfect. While perfection can be idealistic, it won’t often reflect your business growth or your personal growth. Imperfectly growing is still growing—and though growth doesn’t always look exactly how we imagined it would at first, progress will happen organically as long as you keep working toward something better.


When you’re busy launching your new business or working on an important project, it can be tempting to forget that small wins are still wins. Even if they aren’t milestones, they’re still part of moving forward with your goal. Don’t be afraid to pat yourself on the back for every little bit you do; if you don’t make time for yourself, no one else will. You deserve it! Work hard and remember why you started in the first place—in other words, remember what progress feels like. A lot has probably changed since then (you might even look back at some of those early days and shudder), but it is still good to remind yourself that feeling proud is not only normal but necessary for business success.

You are allowed to be both a masterpiece and a work in progress simultaneously.

― Sophia Bush

The act of getting started produces momentum. Momentum fuels motivation. Motivation increases your chances for success. All you need to do is press play and start moving forward—and try your best to focus on progress over perfection. Progress over perfection and you’ll reach your goals in no time!

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5 Secrets to Grow Your Social Media Following

It’s no surprise that social media is one of the best tools to grow your business by connecting with more clients or customers. Although social media has changed a lot over the years, one thing stands true; People will seek to connect with people and brands that they love. In this post, I’ll share with you 5 secrets to growing your social media following quickly.

But as business owners, it’s easy to feel like we’re just not finding the right people online. Scaling a following is a lot of work, and often enough, it’s tied to not having a solid social media strategy. So in this article, I figured it would be fun to list five tips that have helped me the most when it comes to growing a social media following.

Social media continues to grow as the primary method of connecting with ideal clients and customers, so knowing how to use it effectively can be your key to success in business. Although it can be tricky to master, it’s also an essential marketing channel that you should absolutely be using if you haven’t already. While your friends and family members will always be your first fans, you can go beyond this by creating a social media following of people who are truly interested in your brand and what you have to offer them. Here are five steps to grow your social media following and connect with more ideal clients and customers through social media channels like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest.

#1 Be Authentic 

To connect with your ideal client and build a loyal following, you must be yourself. Social media is all about sharing information and connections; it’s not about contrived sales pitches. The more authentic you are on social media and across all your marketing efforts, the better clients will respond to you and your business. And if they don’t respond well? Then they probably aren’t your ideal client anyway—and you needn’t waste time trying to win them over.

#2 Create Content Pillars 

A content pillar is a structure or framework for your brand. Most successful brands have more than one: HubSpot has six, and Zappos has five. Content pillars are there to help you develop specific types of content. So start brainstorming what kind of pillars and strategies might work best for your own business. Remember: It’s not an exact science! If it were, we’d all be doing exactly what everyone else was doing (which would make us interchangeable with our competitors). Just make sure your pillars and strategies give you room to be creative and differentiate yourself from others in your industry over time. This tip alone should help you so much when it comes to growing your social media account.

After testing many different types of content pillars, I’ve found that the following five have done the best for small business owners. 


  • Personal – Sharing things about who you are
  • Engaging – Questions, polls, posts that people can easily engage with.
  • Promotional – Sales, promotions, and other kinds of pitches.
  • Passion – Why you do what you do. 
  • Educational – Sharing helpful tips is a great way to help others and position yourself as an expert in your industry.

By covering these five content pillars, you’ll have enough range in the content you share. Instead of having a page that only posts sales pitches and promotional material, or one that only shares personal posts, you’ll have a perfect balance in the type of content you share and content your audience will be excited to see.

These are the same content pillars I use when I create captions for our Curated Captions members. This way, my clients have a whole month of content ready to go and have the perfect mix of captions.  

If you’d like to see what that looks like, sign up for free and get instant access to a whole month of social media captions that are ready for you to customize and post! 


#3 Engage With Ideal Clients and Customers

If you have a business, chances are you spend a lot of time using social media in hopes of connecting with your ideal customer or client. The key with social media is realizing that not everyone will be part of your online community—focusing on ideal clients and customers will help your business grow more effectively. When building your following, find ways to connect with people who need what you offer. For example, if you own a personal training business, share tips for putting healthy habits in place or useful tips for eating clean and cutting out processed foods. You’ll not only engage new potential customers but also show off your expertise.

#4 Develop Stronger Relationships

This is a key component of any social media marketing strategy. You can create many connections without necessarily developing relationships (or scaling your business), but these connections will be few and far between. In order to grow your social media following, you need to build a strong connection with the right kind of people. Don’t just post content, and disappear but make sure to take time to engage with others, especially those who are taking the time to engage with your content. 

#5 Post Consistently 

Consistency is key in everything you do. It’s easy to get stuck in a routine, but if you want your social media following to grow, it’s essential that you post consistently. You never know where new clients might come from and showing up consistently will pay off quickly when it comes to anything you do in life and business. 

Although social media continues to grow and provide a wide range of ways for you to promote your brand, there are a few things you should always remember: make it personal, use images that represent your brand, build an audience over time, and don’t just push out content. Post with a purpose and make real connections with the right people. All of these will help ensure that your efforts pay off in a big way. I hope these 5 secrets to growing your social media following tips help you connect to more customers and clients online!

It’s up to you as an entrepreneur to decide what works best for your business—but following these five tips should be part of every strategy.

Don’t forget; Behind every brand, there’s a passion and a story.

Start sharing yours today. Grab that free month of captions to get started!


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Before you go: I’d love for you to join my newsletter and be the first to know about new articles published on the blog, business tips, and of course, all the best strategies. (Plus, you’ll get some of my favorite freebies too!)

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Social Media Marketing Workbook


Since launching our Social Media Membership, we’ve had numerous requests for a workbook, and I’m thrilled to finally release this pretty little thing. It’s a 29-page workbook covering our marketing strategy. We even made sure to include 10 ready-to-go captions so you can jump right in and put this strategy to use!

Social media marketing has proven to be an effective means of boosting traffic and brand awareness for businesses of all sizes, which means that more and more companies are looking to get in on the action. The only problem? Creating a social media marketing strategy can seem like a daunting task, especially if you’re not sure where to start. But by following these three steps and using the Social Media Marketing Workbook, you’ll be able to create a great social media marketing strategy that works for your business.

The best social media marketing strategy is all about connecting with people—specifically, it’s about identifying who you want to reach and then how you want to reach them. Defining your target audience will help inform what content you should share (and when), how you interact with your followers, and which networks are right for your business. So start by defining who exactly you’re trying to reach before getting started with this social media marketing workbook.



29 Social Media Guide
Social Media Strategy
10 Curated Captions
Social Stats Page
Goal Plan Page

Here’s a quick look at some of the pages;


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I'm Elena, your


CEO friend.

Multi-passionate, CEO of multiple companies, mama of four, obsessed with all things business and marketing, ready to help you attract your ideal client and customer. My goal is to give you the strategies and tools to grow your business so you can save time, get real results and focus on what matters most.

Want to know more about me and how I got here?

Business Planner

The official Business Planner every business owner needs to have.

Instagram Captions

Snag these professionally written captions for the whole month.

Lightroom Presets

Film-inspired Lightroom presets to help you bring your vision to life.


Get these done-for-you social media captions and learn about how we can help you with your social media strategy & content creation.

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