Email marketing has been around for a long time. It’s a fantastic way to reach a large group of people in a short period of time. The idea is that you send marketing information to your subscribers, typically via email. Many companies use email marketing to promote their products and services. Some of the advantages to email marketing are that it is a one-way conversation, so you can control the conversation. You can also use it to measure how successful your marketing campaign is.
Email marketing has been around for a long time. It’s a fantastic way of reaching a large group of people in a short period of time. The idea is that you send marketing information to your subscribers, typically via email.
Which is Better – Social Media Marketing or Email Marketing?
Email marketing and social media marketing are both effective ways to reach out to customers and promote your business. So which is better for your business?
Email marketing is more personal and can be more targeted than social media marketing. With email marketing, you can reach out to customers with specific messages that are relevant to their interests. Email marketing is also more affordable than social media marketing.
Social media marketing is more immediate and can reach a larger audience than email marketing. With social media marketing, you can post updates and messages that customers will see right away. Social media marketing is also more interactive than email marketing, so you can engage with customers and get feedback in real-time.
So which is better for your business – email marketing or social media marketing? It depends on your goals and your budget. If you want to reach out to customers with specific, targeted messages, then email marketing is a good choice. If you want to reach a larger audience more quickly and interact with them in real-time, then social media marketing is a better choice.
Unlike social media, you own your list
This means that you can contact them at any time, without needing permission, and without worrying about being blocked or shadow banned. Email marketing also allows you to build deeper relationships with your audience, because you can segment your list to send more personalized emails.
With social media, you’re at the mercy of the algorithm. Your post might be shown to a small percentage of your followers, and then only if they’re online at the same time you are. You can boost your posts or run ads, but you’re still playing by the rules of the platform.
Email marketing gives you more control and allows you to build a relationship with your audience that goes beyond the occasional like, share, or comment.
Which channel can generate the most leads?
Email marketing and social media marketing are both excellent lead generation channels. However, email marketing tends to generate more leads than social media marketing. This is because email marketing allows you to directly contact your leads and build a relationship with them, whereas social media marketing is more of a indirect way to generate leads.
Use social media as an introduction to new customers
Email is perfect for delivering personalized content, coupons, and updates on new product launches.
Email marketing and social media marketing are both important tools for businesses. They both have their own strengths and weaknesses. Email marketing is good for delivering personalized content, coupons, and updates on new product launches. Social media is good for introductions to new customers and staying in touch with current ones.
Serve your audience with great content that speaks to them
Email marketing has been around for many years, and it’s still one of the best ways to market your business. It’s important to have a solid marketing strategy in place that includes email marketing. The difference between social media marketing and email marketing is that you can use email even if your business doesn’t have an online presence.
However, with social media, you’ll need to be on sites like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram in order to reach a larger audience. (and you’re typically only going to reach a small perentage of your audience every time you post). If your goal is to grow your brand through content creation, then you’ll want to create the right type of content that speaks directly to your audience on those sites. That way they’ll be more likely to follow you and engage with what you’re saying on those networks.
Move your social media audience to your list
Regardless of how big or small your social media following is today, you’re goal should always be to move that audience over to your email list by using opt-ins. You may not need an email list right away if you have an already thriving social media following, but even then it’s never too early to start building out this important channel.
The beauty of an email list is that they allow you to communicate directly with your followers at any time and provide them with valuable information based on their interests. If someone signs up for your email newsletter, they’re giving you permission to reach out to them again in the future with content they’ll find interesting.
If you’re already seeing success on social media, consider which of your posts are performing well and test email opt-ins on those to determine what works best. Keep track of all your results in a spreadsheet so that you can constantly improve and see growth over time and really understand what opt-ins are growing your list the fastest.
Best opt-ins to grow your email list
Here are the most successful opt-ins to grow your email list:
· Free trial of your product or service.
· Exclusive content that can only be accessed via email.
· Freebies, discounts, and other incentives.
· Prize in exchange for an email address.
· Inviting readers to subscribe to a newsletter by offering valuable tips delivered directly to their inbox.
· Giving your visitors the opportunity to enter a contest for something valuable.
Easy and simple opt-in ideas for your business
Don’t have an opt-in form on your website yet? No problem! Here are a few easy ways to get started and start growing your list with very little effort.
· Requiring email opt-in to view certain pages on your website (like pricing pages)
· Popup opt-in with a discount code
· Simple header or footer opt-in to get on your list
These simple ways of setting up on opt-in have proven to be really successful and don’t require much work to set up.
Segment your email list subscribers
One thing I love about having a large email list is making it possible to have my subscribers opt-in for specific segments within my list. If someone only wants to be notified on upcoming sales, I have a segmentation for that. Maybe they want to be the first to know about upcoming resources and freebies, they get added to a new segment. Allowing self-segmentation allows my audience to opt-in to get specific emails and only receive the content they want.
And always, always include a compelling reason to sign up. Make it clear to your visitors what they’re going to get by subscribing. If you plan on sending out a regular newsletter, state how often that newsletter will arrive and offer a few examples of what it will contain.
Top platforms for email marketing
Email marketing is still one of the most effective ways to reach your customers but it can be overwhelming to find a platform that fits your needs. There’s a lot of different options out there ranging from Mailchimp, Convertkit, Mailerlite, Activecampaign and my personal favorite Flodesk.
With so many options, it can be hard to decide which platform will work best for your business. While some are simple drag-and-drop email campaigns, others have a lot more features that allow you to do things like create landing pages and track sales funnels.
I’ve used Flodesk for years and absolutely love it for my business.
Many businesses are now trying to use email marketing as a way to grow their audience, rather than relying solely on social media. After all, social media can only get you so far. But when it comes down to it, which marketing strategy will work better for your business: social media or email marketing? The answer really depends on what kind of business you’re running and the goals that you have in mind.
Email marketing has been around much longer than social media marketing, and while it may not be as flashy, it’s still one of the most effective ways to promote your business. You need to devote a lot of time and resources to social media marketing, but you can get started right away with email marketing.
Email marketing will allow you to reach customers who are already interested in your product or service. You’re also able to keep track of which emails work best so that you can send more like them in the future. With social media, on the other hand, there’s no way of knowing if people are seeing your posts unless they interact with them.
In the end, what’s most important is that you focus on creating a well-rounded marketing strategy. Email marketing and social media marketing are two of the most popular ways of reaching out to customers online. It’s important to have a well-rounded marketing strategy so that you can reach your audience in different ways. That’s why it’s not an either/or situation when it comes to email marketing vs social media marketing – they should both be part of any comprehensive digital marketing campaign.
Overview: Performance Statistics
It’s no secret that social media has taken over as the number one platform for marketing. In fact, according to Statista, social media platforms have 2.46 billion active users worldwide.
Email marketing, on the other hand, is still going strong. In 2017, there were 3.7 billion email users worldwide. By 2020, that number is expected to grow to 4.1 billion.
So, which one should you use for your business? The answer, of course, is both.
Here’s a look at some email marketing vs social media performance statistics for 2018.
Email Marketing
• Open rate: 20.81%
• Click-through rate: 2.78%
Social Media
• Engagement rate: 1.73%
As you can see, email marketing has a higher open rate and click-through rate than social media. However, social media has a higher engagement rate.
Both email marketing and social media are important for your business. Email marketing is a great way to reach your customers directly, while social media is a great way to engage with your customers.
One Area Where Social Does Come Ahead
Social media platforms allow you to easily interact with your customers in a way that email simply cannot match. Customers can like, share, comment, and even direct message you on social media, which helps to create a more personal connection.
Email marketing still has its place in a solid marketing strategy, but it should be used in tandem with social media for the best results. Both email and social media allow you to reach a wide audience with your marketing message, but social media offers the added benefit of engagement. If you can get customers interacting with your brand on social media, you’re more likely to create a lasting relationship that will lead to continued business.
Social Media Marketing Vs. Email Marketing: Pros & Cons
Email marketing and social media marketing are two very different beasts. As a business owner, you need to decide which one is right for you and your products or services. Here are some pros and cons of each to help you make your decision.
Email marketing is great for building relationships with your customers. You can send out regular updates, special offers, and coupons to keep them coming back. It’s also fairly easy to set up and track results.
Social media marketing is a great way to reach a large audience with little effort. You can post updates, special offers, and coupons on your social media pages and watch as your followers share them with their friends.
However, social media marketing can be very unpredictable. It’s hard to know when your posts will take off and when they will flop. And, if you don’t have a large following to begin with, it can be difficult to get your social media marketing campaign off the ground.
Final Conclusion on Social Media Marketing vs Email Marketing
In general, email marketing is more effective than social media marketing because it allows you to directly target your audience with a personalized message. With social media marketing, your message is more likely to get lost in the noise. For me theres a clear winner based on the points listed below.
1. You Own Your List of Subscribers
Email marketing is permission-based, meaning that people have given you permission to email them by opting in to your list. This makes it much harder for social media platforms to shut you down or for competitors to swoop in and poach your list. You also have more control over how you communicate with your subscribers. Email marketing allows you to build a relationship with your list, segment your list, and personalize your communications.
Social media platforms, on the other hand, do not give you ownership of your followers. The platform can shut down your account at any time, or a competitor can come in and try to poach your followers. You also have less control over how you communicate with your followers on social media. With email marketing, you can segment your list and send highly targeted, personalized communications.
2. You Get a Higher ROI with email marketing
Email marketing has a higher return on investment (ROI) than any other form of marketing—3800% on average, according to Campaign Monitor. That’s because it’s easy to set up, track, and test different email campaigns, and email is still the preferred method of communication for most people. You’re In Control of the message with email marketing, you own the list of subscribers, and you control the content of the messages you send them.
That’s not the case with social media. The platforms may change the way they display your content, or they may delete it altogether if they don’t like what you’ve posted. You don’t need to spend as much time on email marketing. Email marketing is a relatively passive form of marketing. You can automate a lot of the work, and once you have a system in place, it doesn’t take a lot of time to maintain. You can set up automated messages to go out to new subscribers, and you can also send out regular newsletters and other email content without having to create each message from scratch every time. Social media, on the other hand, is much more time-consuming.

3. You Don’t Have to Compete with Algorithms
Another big advantage that email has over social media is that you don’t have to compete with algorithms. When you post something on social media, it’s not guaranteed that your followers will see it. In fact, unless you pay to promote your post, there’s a good chance that only a small percentage of your followers will see it. On the other hand, when you send an email, it will go directly to your subscribers’ inboxes. You don’t have to worry about whether or not your message will be seen.
4. Organic reach is far better with email marketing
You’re able to segment your email list to send highly relevant, targeted content to a specific group of people, which leads to higher engagement and conversion rates.
The Takeaway
In the world of digital marketing, there is a lot of debate about which platform is better for promoting your business: email marketing or social media marketing. Both have their pros and cons, but in general, email marketing is more effective for building relationships with customers, while social media marketing is better for promoting your brand and reaching new customers.