How I Make an Income + a Pretty Amazing Impact

Have you ever met someone and thought to yourself…”I know she has a business and doing really well, but what exactly does she do…and how does she actually make an income?!” In this article, I’m going to pull back the curtains and tell you all about my business, how I make an income (and a pretty amazing impact too).

I was talking to a friend and found that although she knew I had a business (for a long time now). She had no idea how I actually made an income and how I got my business to where it is today. I loved that she came out and just asked me more about what I was doing with my business, how I was making an income, and how it all came together. (SPOILER: My business is FAR from where it used to be).

As we finished my conversation, I thought about how maybe others had the same curious questions but just didn’t know how to ask. Which I totally get. I remember when I started my business how little I knew about business structure and all the different incomes you could make. I didn’t even know passive income was a thing since all I knew was the very simple concept of working for an hourly wage.


I thought what I did was pretty clear, but maybe it’s just like that because I’ve lived it for 10+ years. So for the sake of being transparent and pulling back the curtains to those who might be wondering the same thing, here’s everything you ever wanted to know about how I make an income (and a pretty amazing impact too). Over the years, my business has changed, and so has the strategy behind how I make an income. Below I’ll go over everything you might be wondering about. And hopefully, it gives you some ideas on adding these types of income streams to your own business too.



I started as a photographer, which is probably the most simple income to explain. Clients hired me for a service. As much as I loved this little business I built, the one downfall was the time I had to spend away from my family. Shooting sessions all week and weddings on the weekend didn’t leave me with the greatest work/life balance.

If you currently have a service-based business, you knooooow the struggle!

To build a sustainable business, I knew I had to build a business that allowed me to do what I loved while not giving away all my time. I wanted to be able to spend more with the people I loved.

PASSIVE INCOME (With Digital Products)

Eventually, I started selling digital products. (think downloadable digital products). This can be anything from an ebook, a digital backdrop, online courses, presets, or templates. And this really opened my eyes to a new kind of income. PASSIVE INCOME.

This allowed me to focus on creating one digital product that I could sell over and over again while spending more time at home with my little ones.

I’ve created over 700 digital products over the years but am most known for my preset collections made for professional photographers and creatives looking to elevate their photography.

TIP: If your business doesn’t currently have this kind of income, I highly recommend adding it because it really makes such a big difference when you’re just one person who’s constantly dependent on selling their service or one of a kind products. And it might be a whole lot easier to add than you might think. This doesn’t mean you have to flip your entire business around. Look at it as a new income addition to your already established business.


With a CRM Software

Over the last five years, I also built a CRM software called The Essential Studio Manager with my husband. (This company was recently acquired ?). But just like my digital products that generated passive income, it collected monthly payments from active users for using the CRM. Photographers use it to manage all aspects of their business with one tool that’s really easy to use.

It’s just like regular passive income, but it repeats monthly for as long as the customer continues using the software.


Digital Membership/Subscription

I launched Wordsmith in 2021, a digital subscription-based company that generates; you guessed it…passive recurring income by providing monthly professional social media captions for entrepreneurs looking to connect with more clients and customers online.

Are you seeing a trend yet?

Being 10+ years in, I’ve done many different things, everything from service-based, softwares, memberships, and digital products. I have some big ideas for the future that will continue focusing on creating products and services to help entrepreneurs with their businesses. 

Today, about 90% of my focus is on creating resources that generate passive income and 10% on one-off service-based services.

A complete swap from when I first started, and 100% of my income came from being hired for one service.

But you know what the best part is, aside from being able to spend my time working on projects that I love and having more time to spend with my family?

Taking a portion of our income and sponsoring children through Save the Children, one of my favorite non-profits. There’s a special connection with each child, and we have a big binder of photos, letters, and a big world map we’ve used to mark our sponsored children’s locations. Each time we add a new sponsored child to our list, my oldest son helps me with the process.

Although I do many different things, at the core of my business, I want to create something that has a positive impact around the world. Have that be by helping business owners or sponsoring more children around the world.

I hope this quick article gave you some insight into the income you could make with your business. Remember – consider passive income as an addition to your already established business.

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How I Make an Income

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How I Took My Business From Local to Global

What if I told you that the key to unlocking your business’s fullest potential isn’t in your town, but in the limitless expanse of the world? Curious? Let me explain…

Isn’t it just fascinating to think about how the entire world, with all its incredible diversity and opportunities, could actually fit right in the palm of your hand? And I mean this quite literally, especially when it comes to the realm of business. Oftentimes, in the initial stages of building our dreams, we limit ourselves to the familiar spaces around us.

But what if we allowed ourselves to dream a little bigger?

Let’s take a stroll down memory lane, back to the days when my universe was as small and charming as the quaint town I lived in. I found my joy in capturing the simple, heartfelt motherhood moments with my camera, soaking in the happiness it brought to my soul. Yet, I could sense the limitations of my small-town surroundings, as charming as they were. There’s something truly special about knowing your town like the back of your hand, but sometimes our dreams need a little more room to stretch and grow.

It wasn’t about feeling unappreciative; it was about giving myself permission to dream without limits.

My moment of clarity was simple and sweet: Why limit my dreams when the world is so vast and full of opportunities?

By extending my reach just a little—about a 4-hour radius, which was a step not many local photographers were taking—I opened up a world of new connections, stories, and adventures. I found people who valued my work, which in turn, allowed my business to blossom and thrive.

Yet, this was just the beginning of the journey.

Venturing into the digital and passive income world was like uncovering a hidden gem. All of a sudden, my little local business had the potential to reach every corner of the globe. And before I knew it, I had clients from all around the world.

This adventure was more than just a business expansion; it was a journey of personal growth and discovery. It was a realization that the only limits that existed were the ones I had set for myself.

I won’t pretend it was easy. It required diligence, a readiness to let go of old habits and learn new ones, and a whole lot of courage. But to see my business flourish without any geographical bounds and to connect with people from all walks of life? It was nothing short of magical.

This journey reshaped not just my business, but my life, and gave my family the freedom to choose our home out of love, not necessity, creating the life we always dreamed of. Some years that looked like living in Hawaii. Others it meant traveling full time as a family around the country in our RV. Today? It looks like slowing down and living in our beautiful 1780s New England home and enjoying all that comes with the seasons.

So, if you ever find yourself feeling boxed in by your surroundings, remember this: the world is a beautiful, vast place, full of endless possibilities. You deserve to dream big, beyond the limits of where you are now.

If you haven’t already, consider creating a digital product or service that can reach people all over the world. It has the potential to not only transform your income but also your life in the most beautiful ways.

It’s about so much more than the financial benefits (though, let’s be honest, earning passively from doing something you love is quite the dream). It’s about the freedom that comes with breaking free from limitations, the joy of connecting with people across the globe, and the beauty of living a life without borders.

And the rewards? They are truly priceless, woven from the lessons learned, the incredible experiences had, and the deep connections formed.

Most importantly, it’s about discovering the untapped potential that lies within you.

Your business and your dreams have the right to be boundless. Embrace the world of possibilities out there, and you might just find paths you never thought possible.

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Mindset Lessons From a Million-Dollar Pivot

When you feel like you’ve hit a wall in your business, what do you do? As an entrepreneur, I understand the importance of staying true to yourself and building a business that you can be proud of. Sometimes, this means taking a leap of faith and pivoting your business in a completely new direction. The fear of making the wrong decision can be paralyzing, but successful business owners make mistakes all the time. Instead of letting that fear take over, they take action and learn from whatever results they get.

And that’s where the power of pivoting comes in.

You see, businesses that survive are those that adapt to change. If you box yourself (and your business) into this idea of what it “should be”, you might be missing incredible opportunities to grow and get the freedom you deserve.

I started my career as a photographer, capturing exquisite moments for others. But as my family grew, I craved flexibility and time freedom that I simply didn’t have. I was nervous about radically changing my career path, but I did it anyway – because it was the RIGHT step for me.

At first, there was a lot I had to learn and mistakes I needed to make as I started creating and selling digital products from my living room. The fear and doubt didn’t compare to the ease and joy I felt going to work each day, knowing that I was building a business I could be truly proud of. Working towards having the freedom to homeschool my kids, or take off for a spontaneous family vacation, or have more time for myself AND my family was worth the risk.

What makes the risk worth taking for you?

Whenever you feel anxious or worried about always making the “right” decision in your business, re-focus on why you’re creating a business. And allow yourself to be nervous, but take action anyway.

Pivoting your business is all about: freedom and flexibility like never before, increased income opportunities, and the chance to wholeheartedly pursue your passions.

Here’s how you start:

Get clear on what you want your life to look like. How do you want to spend your time? Embrace the art of taking calculated risks and exploring new territories. Who around you is already where you want your business to be? Seek advice from those who’ve walked before you.

Pivoting your business can be scary and uncertain, but sometimes the best decisions take us out of our comfort zones. By staying true to yourself and being willing to change, you can build a business aligned with your passions and goals. Looking back, I’m thrilled I had the courage to move in a new direction. I had no idea that in just a few years, I’d achieve my goal: making over a million in passive income.

With every passing year and each product launched, the process of pivoting felt less terrifying and more like stepping towards new horizons. The shift from photography to digital products, to creating Wordsmith, each move was about making a world I believed in. Wordsmith was about helping businesses be authentic online and eases articulating one’s brand message.

The venture into uncharted waters opened up opportunities I hadn’t imagined. Feedback was not just transactions; they were conversations, affirming that authentic communication is vital for a memorable online presence.

Over ten years have passed, and what once felt like risky changes have become achievements. The fear of big decisions has turned into excitement for the next change. Now, the thought of not growing is scarier than facing the unknown.

Each product and interaction is a reminder of the potential in embracing life’s pivots. As I start new projects, my goal remains: to create something meaningful for others and keep exploring new ideas.

Looking back, those big changes were paths leading to a meaningful destination. This journey is wonderful because it’s ever-evolving. I hope as you move on your entrepreneurial road, each change brings you closer to your true goals.

As you set your sights on the next goal or idea, think: What change is waiting for you? Are you ready to face it with courage and an open mind? You won’t know what’s on the other side unless you try.

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I'm Elena, your


CEO friend.

Multi-passionate, CEO of multiple companies, mama of four, obsessed with all things business and marketing, ready to help you attract your ideal client and customer. My goal is to give you the strategies and tools to grow your business so you can save time, get real results and focus on what matters most.

Want to know more about me and how I got here?

Business Planner

The official Business Planner every business owner needs to have.

Instagram Captions

Snag these professionally written captions for the whole month.

Lightroom Presets

Film-inspired Lightroom presets to help you bring your vision to life.


Get these done-for-you social media captions and learn about how we can help you with your social media strategy & content creation.

Yes, I need this!