SPOILER ALERT: We’re all exhausted from social media

Yesterday’s flood of responses to my post was a wake-up call: people are feeling exhausted. Exhausted from relying on social media to keep their business running. Exhausted from the relentless content creation treadmill they are running on. Exhausted from feeling invisible and unheard in all the noise online. Exhausted from pouring their time into a platform that no longer values them.

But beneath the exhaustion lies fear—the fear of not knowing any other way to connect with clients and drive sales andkeep their business going.

I spent the better part of yesterday reading the heartfelt replies from fellow entrepreneurs echoing the samesentiment that landed in their inboxes. And let me tell you, it got me fired up.

There’s no doubt in my mind that change is not only possible but long overdue for a lot of us. 

Because, while we’re talking about social media for business, let me tell you, from firsthand experience, just how deeply entrenched social media had become in my life—and how liberating it felt to finally break free from it all.

So today, I want to peel back the curtain a bit more, sharing what I’ve done and the steps I’m taking, and maybe it willinspire you to make similar shifts.

First up….

Deleting Social Media Apps.

If you’re ready to step away from the social media frenzy for your business, it doesn’t necessarily mean wiping your accounts off the face of the internet. Start by kicking those apps off your phone. 

Why? Let me break it down:

ONE: Sure, you can still access your business accounts from your computer. But removing those apps from your phone disrupts that mindless scrolling cycle.

Those apps are designed to keep you hooked, and by eliminating them from your phone, you reclaim control without having to pull the plug on all your accounts at once.

TWO: Think of your social media presence more as a placeholder for your business in the digital realm. I don’t plan on returning to regular posting, but I know potential clients are still stumbling upon me there and can easily be redirected to my website.

This shift is a powerful step toward reclaiming your time and your focus. You’d be amazed at how much lighter you’ll feel with these changes in place.

Plus, if you’re not 100% ready to remove it completely, this can allow you to continue posting without needing to have any of the apps on your phone.

Now, onto the most crucial step: Imagining a Social Media-Free Marketing Strategy. 

Take a moment today to envision what your marketing strategy would look like without social media in the picture.

If you’re anything like me, you’ll feel a rush of freedom as you realize just how much time you’ve reclaimed. You might also realize just how time consuming social media was to begin with.

Bid farewell to the never-ending content creation cycle and say hello to the work that truly lights you up, and the reason you started your business in the first place!

That alone should have you jumping with excitement.

This shift means MORE TIME to pursue what lights you up. More time to cherish the everyday moments with your loved ones, uninterrupted by social media’s noise.

And lastly, consider alternative marketing avenues. For me, my email list is at the top of that list. Having a direct line to my audience is invaluable for my business.

The fact that you’re reading this email right now speaks volumes. I didn’t need to dance to the algorithm’s tune to reach you today—all I had to do was hit send and land in your inbox.

Of course, there are countless other ways to market your business.

Remember, businesses thrived long before social media came into the picture. It’s time to get creative and explore what that might look like for you.

So take some time today to ponder where you want to direct your marketing efforts if your social media is taking a backseat.

I’ve been on this journey for a while now, and let me tell you, it’s not only possible—it’s incredibly fulfilling. 

If you’re sitting there thinking it’s impossible to run a successful business without being shackled to social media, I’m here to show you otherwise.

As always, if you have any questions for me just hit that reply button. I read and respond to every single email I get and absolutely love and welcome continuing this conversation. 

Ready for more? Join my newsletter and be the first to know about new articles published on the blog, business tips, and of course, all the best strategies and free resources. There’s a reason this list is 70,000 strong!

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Balancing Motherhood & Entrepreneurship

Balancing motherhood and entrepreneurship has always been challenging but incredibly rewarding. The precious moments with my 4 children have taught me that being present is more valuable than any business milestone.

Curious about the secret that makes it all possible?

It might surprise you.

Sixteen years ago, I embarked on the exhilarating journey of entrepreneurship with a newborn sleeping in my arms. It was a chaotic dance between naptimes and business calls, between diaper changes and client meetings. I remember feeling like a tightrope walker, balancing precariously between the demands of motherhood and the relentless drive to grow my business. 

Fast forward to today, and I’m back in a similar place, only this time, I have two more little ones filling our home with laughter and a whole lot of chaos.

Starting a business with young children was, and still is, a balancing act. In those early days, it often felt like I was being pulled in a million directions. My two older kids, now 11 and 15, were once tiny beings who needed my constant attention. 

I juggled snack time, playtimes, and sleepless nights while trying to carve out a space for my business to thrive. It wasn’t easy, but it was a journey that shaped me as both a mother and an entrepreneur.

Now, with my older ones off pursuing their passions and my two little ones keeping me on my toes, I am acutely aware of how quickly time passes. 

It feels like just yesterday I was holding my firstborn’s tiny hand, and now I’m watching her navigate life, working 40+ hours doing something she loves. These fleeting moments with my children are precious, and I cherish every second. I know that soon enough, my house will be quieter, and the demands of motherhood will shift.

In this season of life, my office time has become a rare luxury. I adore my beautiful workspace, but I’ve learned that being present with my children is far more valuable than any business milestone. The hours I spend with them, building sand castles or making up bedtime stories, are moments I will never get back. My big ideas and ambitious plans for my business might take a little longer to achieve, but that’s okay. This is what feels right for me now.

Creating a Business That Works for You

One of the most significant lessons I’ve learned over the years is the importance of setting up a business that doesn’t require me to be chained to my desk. Even while I’m at home enjoying family time or working on our historic home, my business continues to generate income. This has been the key for me, and it’s something I’m excited to share more about with others.

By setting up ads that drive traffic to my business, I’ve been able to step away from the constant grind of social media and focus more on what truly matters. 

This approach has allowed me to maintain a steady income without sacrificing those irreplaceable moments at home with my children.

The Freedom of Passive Income and Ads

The beauty of passive income and running ads is that it offers a level of freedom and flexibility that traditional business models often lack. Once you figure out how to set it up, you realize that running a successful business doesn’t have to mean working 40+ hours a week. It’s incredibly liberating, not just on a personal level but financially as well.

For me, this journey has been about finding harmony between my roles as a mother and a business owner. It’s about recognizing that my children will only be little for a short time and that being present for them is the most important thing I can do. My office might be quieter these days, and my business goals might take a bit longer to reach, but the trade-off is more than worth it.

I’m excited to share more about how I’ve managed to create a business that supports my family life rather than detracting from it. For those of you who crave making an income without sacrificing precious moments at home, know that it is possible. It’s about creating systems and strategies that allow your business to run smoothly even when you’re not there.

Setting up ads, automating processes, and focusing on passive income streams have been my secret weapons. They’ve allowed me to step back from the hustle and enjoy my life more fully. And I’m here to tell you that you can do it too. It takes effort and creativity, but the reward is a life where you can be fully present for your children while still achieving your business dreams.

Balancing business and motherhood is no easy feat, but it’s a journey filled with immense rewards. Embrace the chaos, cherish the moments, and create a business that works for you, not the other way around.

And for anyone reading this trying to balance both motherhood and entrepreneurship, Remember; your children will only be little for a short while, and the time you spend with them now will be the memories you treasure forever. Your business can grow and thrive alongside your family, and you don’t have to sacrifice one for the other. Here’s to finding that balance and living a life that feels right for you.

So when you feel like you’re not doing enough or growing your business as quickly as others, just know the real work you’re doing is at home. ❤️

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Email Marketing Strategies That Grew My List to 100K+

Curious about how a simple mailing list can transform your business? Well, you’re in for a treat! Here are the email marketing strategies I used to grow my list from ZERO to over 100,000 incredible humans – just like you. And trust me, it’s not just a story of numbers; it’s about mastering email marketing strategies to build genuine relationships, facing challenges head-on, and embracing every lesson learned.

Beginning Your Email Marketing Journey: Essential Strategies

Oh, those early days! Remember when you first stepped into something brand new, and it felt like wandering through a maze without a map? That was me, stepping into the world of email marketing. Eager to grow my list using effective email marketing strategies, I initially felt like I was fumbling in the dark. Everywhere you turn, people talk about the importance of email marketing strategies in building your list, but it’s like there’s a secret handbook no one’s sharing.

Unlike the world of social media, where everything is out there for you to see and learn from, email marketing felt like a closed door. It was this private, elusive world, and here I was, standing on the outside, full of dreams to build my list but clueless about where to start.

What do you say? What do you write? How often do you reach out? These questions swirled in my head, just as they probably do in yours. Believe me, when I first dipped my toes into these waters, I was right there with you – filled with questions and a heart full of hope, trying to find my way. But, oh, what a journey it’s been!

The Art of Crafting Your Email Marketing Voice

In the early days, I grappled with what to say. Most of my emails were heavily promotional, pushing my digital products and services. It was what I saw most companies doing (think about the hundreds of emails that land in your inbox each week), and I thought it was the way to go. But something didn’t feel right. I wasn’t enjoying the process. It felt more like a sales pitch than a genuine connection. That’s when realized that while marketing and sales knowledge are important, what I truly craved was a personal, authentic connection with my audience. So, I decided to shift my focus from selling to serving. This wasn’t just a change in strategy; it was a change in mindset. It completely went against the grain of what others were doing, but I didn’t care. It felt right.

Embracing Authenticity in Your Email Marketing Approach

This shift to focusing on serving rather than selling was the turning point for me. Suddenly, writing emails became a joy. It was no longer about what I could get, but about what I could give. This approach resonated deeply with my subscribers. They could feel the authenticity, the shift from transactional to relational. It was this authenticity that supercharged the growth of my list. More than just growing numbers, I was nurturing real connections.

Creating Heartfelt Content: A Key Email Marketing Strategy

The real turning point came when I realized it’s not just about sending emails; it’s about connecting. I began sharing more than just updates – I shared life lessons, failures that turned into stepping stones, and little victories that felt huge. Every email became a piece of my heart, sent out into the world with hope. And guess what? That hope came back to me, tenfold, in the form of engaged, passionate subscribers who resonated with my words.

The Role of Irresistible Freebies in Email List Growth

One word: Freebies. But not just any freebies. I’m talking about those heart-crafted, value-packed gems that people can’t resist. Whether it was an insightful e-book, a helpful guide, or a set of beautiful templates, each freebie was a token of my appreciation for their time and inbox space. It was my way of saying, “Hey, I see you, I appreciate you, and I’m here to add value to your life.”

But here’s our little secret: I optimized the sharing of personal resources that had a significant impact on my business. Utilizing Flodesk was a game-changer for me. It made creating and distributing opt-ins for my resources incredibly straightforward and effective. The ease of designing eye-catching, engaging opt-ins allowed me to get my resources in front of more people, without the headache. 

And trust me, when you’re using a platform that automates the whole process for you, it becomes much easier to grow your list.

And then there’s Pinterest – an absolute powerhouse. Unlike traditional social media platforms, Pinterest works like a search engine. So, when someone search for a business planner, guess whose shows up? Yep, mine! The beauty of Pinterest is that you don’t need a massive following to get your content seen by the right people. This aspect was crucial, especially when starting from scratch. It meant that growing my email list became a lot more feasible, even without a large social media presence to begin with.

Using these tools, I was able to connect my free resources with those who needed them most. It wasn’t just about giving something away for free; it was about providing real, tangible help. This approach didn’t just add to my email list – it built a community of engaged, grateful individuals who found true value in what I had to offer.

Unlocking Email List Growth: Proven Email Marketing Strategies

In my own experience, a few key email marketing strategies have been instrumental in not only increasing the numbers but also in cultivating a list brimming with engaged, interested subscribers. Now, I’m excited to share these tried-and-tested techniques with you. These are the strategies that have made the most significant impact for me, and I believe they can do the same for your list. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to expand your existing list, these tactics are all about creating genuine connections and providing value that resonates with your audience. Let’s dive into these game-changing strategies and explore how you can use them to grow your email list effectively.

Captivating Freebies:

Everyone loves a good freebie, especially when it’s packed with value. Think about what your audience would find irresistible – an ebook filled with insider tips, stunning presets for photographers, handy printables, or comprehensive lists that simplify their lives. Offering these free digital downloads in exchange for an email sign-up is a fantastic way to grow your list. It’s not just about giving something away; it’s about showing your audience the kind of value they can expect from you.

Discounts for First-Time Shoppers:

Encourage newcomers to take the plunge with a special discount on their first purchase. This is a classic, yet effective way to turn casual browsers into subscribers and customers. It’s a small gesture that can lead to a lasting relationship, showing them that their decision to engage with your brand is valued and appreciated.

Personalized Price Lists for Potential Clients:

If you’re in a service-based industry, sharing a tailored price list can be a powerful tool. It’s more than just a list of services and prices; it’s the beginning of a personalized conversation with potential clients. When you attach this information to your email sign-up, you’re not only providing valuable information but also opening the door to further engagement.

Interactive Content:

Engagement is key, and interactive content is a fun way to achieve it. Create quizzes, polls, or surveys that not only entertain but also provide insights into your audience’s preferences and needs. This approach not only encourages sign-ups but also enhances your understanding of your audience, allowing you to tailor future content and offers.

Hosting Free Online Workshops or Webinars:

This is a powerful way to demonstrate your expertise and offer real value to your audience. Choose a topic that resonates with your audience’s interests or pain points, and provide actionable insights. In exchange for this valuable content, participants can sign up for your email list. This approach not only boosts your list but also establishes you as an authority in your field.

The Unmatched Value of an Email List

Let’s turn our focus to the powerhouse of digital marketing – the email list. You might wonder, with all the social media buzz, why focus so much on an email list? Well, let me share some enlightening stats and insights.

First off, did you know that for every $1 spent on email marketing, the average return is a staggering $42? That’s an ROI that’s hard to ignore. In a digital landscape flooded with various marketing strategies, email consistently delivers a return that can transform the way we do business.

But beyond the numbers, there’s the power of having direct access to your audience. Unlike social media, where algorithms can change overnight and impact your reach, your email list is yours. It’s a direct line to your audience, unfiltered and unaffected by the whims of social media platforms. This means that you’re not just another post in a crowded feed, but a welcomed guest in someone’s inbox.

Moreover, email allows for personalized and targeted communication. You can segment your list based on interests, engagement levels, or purchase history, tailoring your message to resonate more deeply with different groups. This level of personalization is a game-changer, fostering a stronger connection with your audience. 

Now, here’s my question to you: What’s your story, and how can you use it to connect with others? How can you create content that touches hearts and opens doors to genuine conversations?

Growing an email list is more than a numbers game. It’s about building a community, one email at a time. So, start with your story, be consistent, and most importantly, be authentically you. Because when you speak from the heart, the world listens.

P.S. Remember, your voice has power, your story matters, and there’s someone out there waiting to hear what you have to say. Start today, one email, one connection at a time.

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Is ‘BUSY’ Costing You Your Health?

As an entrepreneur, I know firsthand that running a business can feel like a never-ending marathon. We juggle tasks, manage projects, brainstorm strategies, and often, in the whirlwind of it all, our personal health takes a backseat. Mix that into being a mother of 4 who works from home full time and it’s so easy to push my own health to the side. But here’s a truth bomb for you: prioritizing your health is not just essential; it’s non-negotiable. Today, I want to talk about the art of balancing and prioritizing personal health while running a business. 

The Unseen Connection: Health and Business Success

Think about it: when you’re feeling your best, you perform your best. Your mind is sharper, your creativity soars, and your energy levels are high. This isn’t just feel-good talk; it’s backed by science. Studies show that regular physical activity boosts cognitive function, reduces stress, and enhances overall well-being. And let’s not forget, mental health is as crucial as physical health. A clear, focused mind is our most powerful tool in decision-making and problem-solving.

It’s a Choice: Choosing Your Hard

Here’s the thing: both neglecting your health and taking care of it are HARD. The difference? The hard of neglect leads to burnout, decreased productivity, and even health issues. The hard of self-care leads to longevity, resilience, and a thriving business. So, ask yourself, which hard are you choosing? 

Neglecting your health is an easy trap to fall into, especially when you’re caught up in the whirlwind of business. You might think skipping a meal, cutting down on sleep, or ignoring stress is a small price to pay for success. However, these small oversights accumulate, snowballing into significant health problems. This path, though it may seem easier in the short term, leads to a hard reality – burnout, decreased productivity, and a host of health issues ranging from chronic fatigue to serious diseases. 

This isn’t just about feeling tired or under the weather; it’s about compromising the very engine that drives your business and life forward.

On the other hand, the hard of self-care, though seemingly daunting at first, is an investment in your most valuable asset – yourself. This path requires discipline, commitment, and the willingness to put your well-being at the forefront. It means making time for regular exercise, ensuring you’re eating nutritious meals, getting enough sleep, and managing stress. It’s about listening to your body and responding to its needs. This might mean saying no to a late-night work session or delegating tasks to make time for a health check-up.

The rewards of this path are manifold. By taking care of your health, you’re building a foundation of longevity and resilience. You’re not just working towards a thriving business but also towards a thriving self. With good health, you bring your best self to your business, enhancing creativity, decision-making skills, and overall productivity. You’re able to lead by example, fostering a culture of wellness within your organization. This isn’t just about living longer; it’s about living better, with the vitality and energy to enjoy the success you’re working so hard to achieve.

So, the question remains, which hard are you choosing? Are you willing to endure the short-term discomfort of building and maintaining healthy habits for long-term benefits? Or will you choose the seemingly easy path of neglect, with its long-term consequences? The decision is yours, and it’s a critical one. Remember, in this journey of entrepreneurship, your health is the compass that guides you towards true success.

Practical Steps to Prioritize Health in the Hustle

Schedule It In: Treat your health like an important business meeting. Put it in your calendar. Whether it’s a 30-minute walk, a yoga session, or a mental health break, make it non-negotiable.

Nutrition Matters: Eating well is fueling your body for success. Plan your meals like you plan your business strategies. Quick, healthy meals can be just as convenient as fast food if you prepare in advance.

Mindfulness Practices: Whether it’s meditation, journaling, or simply practicing gratitude, mindfulness helps keep stress at bay and enhances focus.

Delegation is Key: You can’t do everything yourself. Delegate tasks in your business to make room for your health. It’s not just about freeing up time; it’s about mental space too. If social media captions is on that list, sign up for Wordsmith already!

Listen to Your Body: Tune into your body’s signals. Feeling drained or stressed is a sign to slow down and reassess your priorities.

The Ripple Effect of a Healthy Entrepreneur

When you’re healthy, the benefits ripple outwards. Your business thrives, and your personal life flourishes. It’s a holistic approach where every aspect of your life gets a piece of the wellness pie.

The Reality of Rough Days

Let’s be real: it’s not always smooth sailing. There will be days when everything feels overwhelming, and your health seems like the least of your concerns. It’s okay. The key is to not let these days become the norm. Acknowledge them, learn from them, and get back on track.

Your Health, Your Wealth

Remember, your health is your wealth. Without it, no amount of business success can compensate. It’s the foundation upon which everything else is built. When you’re healthy, you’re in a better position to make sound business decisions, lead effectively, and enjoy the life you’ve built.

Merging Movement and Work: The Walking Treadmill Desk

I want to share a personal experience that beautifully illustrates how we can combine self-care with our work. Recently, I invested in a walking treadmill desk for my office. Now, this might sound like a novelty to some, but let me tell you, it’s been a game-changer.

The Concept: Walk While You Work

The idea is simple yet revolutionary. With a walking treadmill desk, I can take my daily walk without stepping away from my desk. It’s an incredibly efficient way to rack up the miles each day, all while staying on top of my work. I love it so much that I even moved my iMac to it permanently because I realized how much I enjoy walking while working. 

Overcoming Initial Skepticism

Initially, I was skeptical. Typing and walking simultaneously seemed like a multitasking challenge that could end in more distraction than productivity. But, to my surprise, it turned out to be the perfect combination for someone like me – someone who loves to keep both body and mind active.

The Surprising Benefits

Here’s the crazy part: I can walk up to 5 miles a day while answering emails and working on projects. This isn’t just about physical health; it’s a mental boost too. Walking while working keeps my mind fresh and my body active, leading to clearer thinking and a more energetic workday.

Is It for You?

Now, a walking treadmill desk might not be for everyone, but it’s worth considering if you’re looking for innovative ways to integrate health into your busy schedule. It’s a testament to the fact that with a bit of creativity, we can find solutions that help us maintain our health without sacrificing productivity.

My experience with the walking treadmill desk underlines a crucial point: prioritizing health doesn’t have to come at the expense of work. In fact, when we find ways to merge the two, we create a sustainable lifestyle that supports both our business goals and our personal well-being. It’s a reminder that sometimes, the most effective solutions are those that address multiple aspects of our lives simultaneously.

I want you to remember that taking care of your health while running a business isn’t just a good idea; it’s essential for your success and well-being. You have the power to choose your hard. Choose the one that leads to a fulfilling, healthy, and successful life.

Now, I leave you with this thought: What small step can you take today to prioritize your health for a better tomorrow? How can you apply this lesson to not just transform your personal health, but also to elevate your business?

Take this moment to reflect. Your journey to a healthier, more balanced life as an entrepreneur starts with one choice, one step. Remember, in the dance of life and business, your health is the rhythm that keeps you moving gracefully.

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Holiday Sales? The Price Business Owners Pay…

Have you ever felt the tug between the joy of the holiday season and the demands of your entrepreneurial journey, pulling at the strings of your heart as you navigate the balance between personal joy and business growth?

The sparkle of twinkling lights, the sweet scent of homemade cookies filling the cozy corners of our homes, and the laughter that echoes through the chilly air as families gather… the holiday season has a magical way of sweeping us off our feet. 

Yet, in the whirlwind of this beautiful time, there’s a storm that brews for many of us entrepreneurs—the storm of sales, discounts, and the never-ending quest for the Black Friday bonanza. 

It’s a season where the clatter of keyboards preparing for the next sale often drowns the heartwarming family time with our loved ones. It’s a paradox, really. A time meant for togetherness often pulls us in a tug-of-war between business gains and heartstring moments.

Having worn the entrepreneur hat for over a decade, I too, was caught in this storm for years. 

Each year as the holiday season approached, no matter how much I tried to plan ahead, it brought along a flurry of to-dos. Prepping for sales, strategizing for the maximum reach, and tailoring the perfect pitch. The days leading to Thanksgiving all the way through the New Year became a marathon of managing business campaigns while trying to steal keepsake moments with my family. If you have a business, you know exactly how much time goes into your business this time of year.

As the holiday season rolls around, most of us think about a few special days scattered between October and December. But for small business owners, it’s a whole different experience. It’s not just about a few days; it’s about weeks, even months of prep work, sticking to timelines, and rolling out launches.

The holiday season practically morphs into a busy season.

Every day counts as we gear up for those key dates. It’s all about tapping into the holiday cheer to keep our business engines running smoothly, making the most of the holiday rush.

The allure of ringing cash registers (or should I say, the ‘ka-ching’ of the online cart) with each sale was exhilarating. Yet, amidst the chaos of sale signs and discount codes, my heart yearned for the simple joy of baking pies with my kids, crafting salt dough ornaments, and the laughter that filled the room as we’d all decorate the Christmas tree together without needing to also check my phone and make sure all the things for my business were running according to plan.

The businesswoman in me reveled in the success of thousand-dollar sale days, yet the mom in me craved the warmth of calm evenings spent as a family.

Over the years, the question that echoed through the silence of the night was;

“Is it truly worth it?”

The scale seemed to tip in favor of heartfelt moments over fleeting financial gains. And so, I decided to unwrap a different gift—the gift of presence.

My holidays have since taken a serene turn. The frenzy of sales has faded, making way for cherished moments that are priceless. Yes, the entrepreneur in me still nudges towards making a quaint offer or a modest discount, but without the clamor and clash of the big sale days. 

And guess what? 

This newfound calm has brought a clarity that resonated with my clientele too. 

Amidst the deafening noise of sales pitches that flood inboxes during the holidays, a gentle, heartfelt message stood out, creating a bond beyond just a seasonal sale.

As you gear up for the holiday hustle, maybe you’ve found yourself asking the same questions.

Perhaps you’re looking for a better way to spend the holidays. Reflecting on what the spirit of the season truly means to you. 

Ask yourself, does the temporary triumph of a sale outweigh the timeless treasure of togetherness?

Are the discounts you offer a true reflection of the value you provide?

Remember, your worth is not determined by a seasonal sale, and the relationships you build with your clients will outlast any fleeting discount.

Lastly, I’ll leave you with some ideas on better navigating this upcoming holiday season. To those who choose to slow down, and those getting ready to dive in the hustle of holiday sales, I hope you can do it in a way that allows you to enjoy both those simple moments in your personal life, and the exciting ones in your business.

Take Time to Reflect 

As you gear up for the holiday hustle, I invite you to pause and ponder. Reflect on what the spirit of the season truly means to you. Ask yourself, does the temporary triumph of a sale outweigh the timeless treasure of togetherness? 

Assess Your Value

Do the discounts you provide accurately represent the value you deliver? Keep in mind, a seasonal sale doesn’t define your worth, and the bonds you form with your clients are more enduring than any temporary discount. While big sale days are exhilarating, many business owners are on a quest for consistent, long-term growth.

Practice Mindfulness

In the midst of the hustle, take time each day for mindfulness. Whether it’s a quiet morning coffee before the day begins, a short walk, or a moment of gratitude— these small practices can help keep you grounded and remind you of the bigger picture beyond the sales and revenue.

Purposeful Planning

If you decide to partake in the sales season, ensure you plan ahead. Schedule all your posts, newsletters, and marketing materials well in advance. This foresight allows you to be truly present in cherished holiday moments without the worry of business tasks awaiting you. In the years when I hosted large (and very successful) sales, my preparation ahead of time was key. By pre-planning and pre-scheduling every detail, I could step into the holiday spirit wholeheartedly. It still requires a lot of time and dedication, but getting it done before the holidays did make it a little easier for me to enjoy family time without being pulled away. 

Delegate and Trust

You don’t have to carry the business burden alone. Delegate tasks to your team or consider outsourcing certain activities. Trusting others to handle aspects of your business not only eases your load but also empowers your team. It allows you to free up some time to enjoy the holiday season while ensuring your business continues to operate smoothly. 

The Wordsmith Membership comes with pre-written captions ready at your disposal, including hundreds of promotional and sales captions tailored for various holidays; a chunk of your marketing efforts is already sorted. The best part? You can use these captions for social media or use them in your email marketing. This not only alleviates the pressure but ensures that your business messaging stays sharp and engaging even amidst the holiday rush. My hope is that the content we create for you allows you to breathe a little easier and savor the holiday spirit while keeping the business wheels turning smoothly.

As I now soak in the joy of simply being — being a mom, a wife, a daughter, and a friend during the holidays, I leave you with this – How can you unwrap the gift of presence this holiday season in a way that honors both your personal happiness and your entrepreneurial goals?

As you think about this, remember the best gift you can give to your loved ones and to yourself is the essence of your undivided presence. And trust me, the magic that unfolds in those moments is the kind that no sale can ever match. 

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How I Took My Business From Local to Global

What if I told you that the key to unlocking your business’s fullest potential isn’t in your town, but in the limitless expanse of the world? Curious? Let me explain…

Isn’t it just fascinating to think about how the entire world, with all its incredible diversity and opportunities, could actually fit right in the palm of your hand? And I mean this quite literally, especially when it comes to the realm of business. Oftentimes, in the initial stages of building our dreams, we limit ourselves to the familiar spaces around us.

But what if we allowed ourselves to dream a little bigger?

Let’s take a stroll down memory lane, back to the days when my universe was as small and charming as the quaint town I lived in. I found my joy in capturing the simple, heartfelt motherhood moments with my camera, soaking in the happiness it brought to my soul. Yet, I could sense the limitations of my small-town surroundings, as charming as they were. There’s something truly special about knowing your town like the back of your hand, but sometimes our dreams need a little more room to stretch and grow.

It wasn’t about feeling unappreciative; it was about giving myself permission to dream without limits.

My moment of clarity was simple and sweet: Why limit my dreams when the world is so vast and full of opportunities?

By extending my reach just a little—about a 4-hour radius, which was a step not many local photographers were taking—I opened up a world of new connections, stories, and adventures. I found people who valued my work, which in turn, allowed my business to blossom and thrive.

Yet, this was just the beginning of the journey.

Venturing into the digital and passive income world was like uncovering a hidden gem. All of a sudden, my little local business had the potential to reach every corner of the globe. And before I knew it, I had clients from all around the world.

This adventure was more than just a business expansion; it was a journey of personal growth and discovery. It was a realization that the only limits that existed were the ones I had set for myself.

I won’t pretend it was easy. It required diligence, a readiness to let go of old habits and learn new ones, and a whole lot of courage. But to see my business flourish without any geographical bounds and to connect with people from all walks of life? It was nothing short of magical.

This journey reshaped not just my business, but my life, and gave my family the freedom to choose our home out of love, not necessity, creating the life we always dreamed of. Some years that looked like living in Hawaii. Others it meant traveling full time as a family around the country in our RV. Today? It looks like slowing down and living in our beautiful 1780s New England home and enjoying all that comes with the seasons.

So, if you ever find yourself feeling boxed in by your surroundings, remember this: the world is a beautiful, vast place, full of endless possibilities. You deserve to dream big, beyond the limits of where you are now.

If you haven’t already, consider creating a digital product or service that can reach people all over the world. It has the potential to not only transform your income but also your life in the most beautiful ways.

It’s about so much more than the financial benefits (though, let’s be honest, earning passively from doing something you love is quite the dream). It’s about the freedom that comes with breaking free from limitations, the joy of connecting with people across the globe, and the beauty of living a life without borders.

And the rewards? They are truly priceless, woven from the lessons learned, the incredible experiences had, and the deep connections formed.

Most importantly, it’s about discovering the untapped potential that lies within you.

Your business and your dreams have the right to be boundless. Embrace the world of possibilities out there, and you might just find paths you never thought possible.

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Sacrificing Big Moments Because of Your Business?

Let’s play a little game… Imagine a day, an ordinary day, where your to-do list has room for just three tasks. Only three, no more. Which would you choose?

Hold that thought.

Now, paint this picture a shade more real. These three tasks stand between you and:

  • A laughter-filled family stroll
  • Your cherished friend’s birthday joy
  • The tender ritual of bedtime stories
  • Or the pure joy of sinking into your favorite nook after a week’s hustle

Or maybe the most important thing for you to do today is to clearly list your most important tasks and finish them. 

When I wrote the first chapter of my entrepreneurial journey, it wasn’t to tether myself to a never-ending cycle of tasks. We crave success, but at the heart of it all, isn’t it about carving out moments of joy and freedom?

Whatever your motivation for starting your business, most of us didn’t begin so that we could become enslaved to our companies. 

So I want you to genuinely ask yourself, what do you ACTUALLY need to get done so that you can feel comfortable enough to enjoy your time outside of work? 

We often say, “Work hard, play hard,” but isn’t it all too tempting to blur those lines?

Your wealth isn’t merely a number, it’s the moments stitched in time. And without a little map of daily whispers, we risk trading life’s melodies for endless beats of business chores.

Entrepreneurship? It’s like a captivating book; each page beckons, but you’re the author, the master of where the story leads. So what are today’s headlines? Frame them, break them into heartfelt verses, and write them down.

When my home echoed with two more giggles, every moment felt richer. A day split between home-schooling lessons, stirring love into recipes, and weaving dreams into business threads. The late afternoon sun often finds me behind my desk – but it wasn’t always so. Time evolved, and I adjusted my sails.

Here are ways I’ve prioritized my business goals:

  • Identify your most important business tasks and prioritize them.
  • Make sure your goals align with your values and long-term vision.
  • Consider delegating or outsourcing tasks.
  • Seek support and guidance from others when needed.

The balance between dreams and daily duties is similar to a well-coordinated dance, full of intent, passion, and grace.

A notable step in my routine is the offering of my Wordsmith Membership. By crafting written content for my clients, I help ease their load, allowing them the freedom to focus on what they love.

 It’s about cherishing those “insignificant” moments. Those morning muffins, the steam off a coffee mug, or whispered stories under starry quilts. These are the melodies of my life. And ensuring my business thrums in harmony allows me to hold them close. 

It’s about clarity, priorities, and embracing those moments that truly craft our stories. And just as I navigate my chapters, so can you.

Your story, your song.

How does today’s verse go?

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Mindset Lessons From a Million-Dollar Pivot

When you feel like you’ve hit a wall in your business, what do you do? As an entrepreneur, I understand the importance of staying true to yourself and building a business that you can be proud of. Sometimes, this means taking a leap of faith and pivoting your business in a completely new direction. The fear of making the wrong decision can be paralyzing, but successful business owners make mistakes all the time. Instead of letting that fear take over, they take action and learn from whatever results they get.

And that’s where the power of pivoting comes in.

You see, businesses that survive are those that adapt to change. If you box yourself (and your business) into this idea of what it “should be”, you might be missing incredible opportunities to grow and get the freedom you deserve.

I started my career as a photographer, capturing exquisite moments for others. But as my family grew, I craved flexibility and time freedom that I simply didn’t have. I was nervous about radically changing my career path, but I did it anyway – because it was the RIGHT step for me.

At first, there was a lot I had to learn and mistakes I needed to make as I started creating and selling digital products from my living room. The fear and doubt didn’t compare to the ease and joy I felt going to work each day, knowing that I was building a business I could be truly proud of. Working towards having the freedom to homeschool my kids, or take off for a spontaneous family vacation, or have more time for myself AND my family was worth the risk.

What makes the risk worth taking for you?

Whenever you feel anxious or worried about always making the “right” decision in your business, re-focus on why you’re creating a business. And allow yourself to be nervous, but take action anyway.

Pivoting your business is all about: freedom and flexibility like never before, increased income opportunities, and the chance to wholeheartedly pursue your passions.

Here’s how you start:

Get clear on what you want your life to look like. How do you want to spend your time? Embrace the art of taking calculated risks and exploring new territories. Who around you is already where you want your business to be? Seek advice from those who’ve walked before you.

Pivoting your business can be scary and uncertain, but sometimes the best decisions take us out of our comfort zones. By staying true to yourself and being willing to change, you can build a business aligned with your passions and goals. Looking back, I’m thrilled I had the courage to move in a new direction. I had no idea that in just a few years, I’d achieve my goal: making over a million in passive income.

With every passing year and each product launched, the process of pivoting felt less terrifying and more like stepping towards new horizons. The shift from photography to digital products, to creating Wordsmith, each move was about making a world I believed in. Wordsmith was about helping businesses be authentic online and eases articulating one’s brand message.

The venture into uncharted waters opened up opportunities I hadn’t imagined. Feedback was not just transactions; they were conversations, affirming that authentic communication is vital for a memorable online presence.

Over ten years have passed, and what once felt like risky changes have become achievements. The fear of big decisions has turned into excitement for the next change. Now, the thought of not growing is scarier than facing the unknown.

Each product and interaction is a reminder of the potential in embracing life’s pivots. As I start new projects, my goal remains: to create something meaningful for others and keep exploring new ideas.

Looking back, those big changes were paths leading to a meaningful destination. This journey is wonderful because it’s ever-evolving. I hope as you move on your entrepreneurial road, each change brings you closer to your true goals.

As you set your sights on the next goal or idea, think: What change is waiting for you? Are you ready to face it with courage and an open mind? You won’t know what’s on the other side unless you try.

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And Inside Look: Initial Passive Income Email

Since I want to share the whole process, I’ve decided to include the newsletters I sent out. This initial email was simply for me to get a feel for if there was any interest in doing this from my audience. It’s really easy to jump into new ideas, but if you already have an established audience, it’s so incredibly helpful to simply ask, “Is THIS something that would be interesting to you?”.

By opening the conversation about your new ideas, you’re not only letting them be part of the process, but you’re getting valuable information back from them.

If you’re just jumping in, you can find all the content on this under the Passive Income on my blog.


Can you take a moment to email me back? (Open rate = 57.3%)

I’m currently sitting in my new office (yessss…we just moved again), and although this little office space is far from done, I’m already dreaming up all the things I want to create here.

Since the move, we’ve been in a bit of limbo, waiting to close on our new home and for all our belongings to get shipped from Hawaii.

It’s nice to take time off when I need to, but it can feel like a new start when I sit back down, which can be a little tricky. It’s like trying to find my old momentum again.

Only this time felt different.

Something within me changed over the past few years.

I learned to let go of the idea of always having to work to feel successful. I cut ties with todays hustle culture. And although I have days where I feel like I’m doing things completely the WRONG WAY. I remind myself that this new way of running a business is pretty wonderful in it’s own way.

This time I didn’t sit down at my desk and jumped straight into one of my many projects like I typically would. 

Instead, I sat there reflecting on the time I took off and really thought about how I wanted to spend my time.

Most people (even close friends and family) don’t know how my business works. And how I’m even able to take time off for sometimes weeks or months and have my business continue producing an income for me while I’m technically not even at “work”.

And how I can have a business that continuously pulls in $20,000+ every month…all while getting to live my version of success.

You see First name , my version of success never looked like sitting in an office all day long working. 

I debated charing this but for the sake of transparency…at the moment, I spend maaaaybe an hour in the office every day. (Someday I wish it was more) BUT I’m lucky to have a business that’s doing great even while I focus on raising these four kids. 

My version of success looked like having the freedom and time to wake up in the mornings and have a cup of coffee with my husband without anyone rushing out of the house.

To enjoy every single day with my kids while we play, learn and homeschool together. (Or in our current case, enjoy this amazing weather while we’re all on summer break). 

Bake fresh bread and make homemade butter simply because I love doing it.

Enjoy my simple life.

Of course, that also includes working for myself and doing what I felt passionate about, but my job and career has never come at the cost of giving up all the things that truly matter to me.

I started my business because I wanted the freedom.

Now here’s where it gets interesting. As someone who loves to help others, I’ve always felt strange asking if people would be more interested in learning from me about generating passive income.


Because it’s such a different way of running a business. (And I truly don’t know if people are even interested in learning more about it).

I guess what I am getting at with this email is to see/ask if there are people who love the idea of learning more about building a sustainable business that generates passive income.

Not so they can spend more time working and sitting in their office, but so they can have the freedom to do what they love. 

Because I promise it’s all possible no matter the kind of business you currently have. You can do the exact same thing I did and start making passive income (even while you’re out enjoying your life).

If you’ve made it this far, I’d love to know if this sounds like something you’re interested in. There’s no button to click or poll to take. I just want to hear from YOU.

If you have a moment, can you reply to my email and let me know if this sounds like something you’d be interested in learning more about?

P.S. Adding this here because I think it’s important to mention. This passive income would be made by selling digital products or services online that you create. You would literally need nothing more than a plan and a good wifi connection to get started. Something that can be seamlessly woven into the business you already have. That’s the beauty of digital passive income.

I felt it was important to add because I noticed that 99.9% of the passive income strategies online require massive $$$ investments to get startedl. My strategies would focus on digital passive income that can be scaled to millions. 

I hope you hit that reply button!

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Getting Started with Passive Income

Alright, beautiful soul, let’s dive deep into some updates about my newest venture, and oh, it’s all about passive income. But to truly paint the picture, I’m rewinding the tapes and letting you in on some personal I wasn’t entirely sure I’d ever share online.

The love and warmth I felt from your responses about diving deep into passive income while still in your cozy pajamas was so overwhelming! Picture this as the first episode of our “Passive Income Chronicles” that’ll land directly in your inbox (or in this case, on the blog).

The past few weeks have been a whirlwind of brainstorming sessions. How do I serve you best? The answer felt clear as day – give you an unfiltered, VIP access into the process. It’s like baking a cake. You could tell someone the recipe, or you could invite them into your kitchen and bake it together.

So here’s my puzzle: What magic can I craft that not only gifts me with passive income but also takes you on the entire rollercoaster from the first brainstorm to the final result?

Here’s a confession: When I pressed ‘send’ on that first email, it was like jumping off a cliff not knowing if I’d fly or fall. But isn’t the thrill of creation so much more electric when you’re not alone? 

And that’s why I wanted to start this journey with YOU.

With a head bursting with ideas, it felt like picking a flavor at an ice cream parlor. 

The real challenge? 

Deciding which idea gets the golden star. Whether you’re a dreamer like me with a myriad of thoughts, or you’re at a crossroads, I suggest this: jot down your thoughts, let them simmer, and then pick what feels right in your gut. The most important piece to choosing the *right* thing is choosing something you’re excited about. It doesn’t matter what your best friend, sister, mom or anyone thinks about the idea. If YOU have a vision for this idea and are excited about it that’s the thing you gotta go for. 

When I dream of crafting something that trickles in passive income, here’s my checklist:

  • Does it solve a problem for my ideal customer/client? 
  • Can this be scaled?
  • Can it help them save time? 
  • Can this help them get a positive result? 
  • Is this something that my already established audience could use?
  • How difficult will this thing be to create? (Depending on you’re strengths you might be able to get it done quickly, or you’ll have to give yourself more time to get it all done). 
  • And most importantly, how can this produce passive income for me? 

I had that ‘aha’ moment when one idea, shining brighter than the rest, called out to me. But before I unveil, let’s take a quick detour.

Remember The Essential Studio Manager? Our labor of love that we poured our hearts and souls into and then, with mixed emotions, handed its reins over, hoping it would soar to greater heights? Well, life threw a curveball.

Instead of the anticipated growth, the new owners not only let it slide but went MIA on our beloved community. This heart-wrenching turn from a glittering accomplishment to a bittersweet memory was tough. After an intensive 6-month handover, seeing our creation wither was a pill hard to swallow.

Plot twist: The company was sold again. Our hopes? CRUSHED.

My husband, Jon – the genius who dived headfirst into the world of coding to build the ESM – and I often talked about how to salvage this one day. We knew we could craft a better CRM system, but going up against industry mammoths felt like David against Goliath. Honeybook who’s latest funding round of $250 million, led by investment giant Tiger Global Management, had valued it at $2.4 billion. And being in the same industry is TOUGH when you’re just a one or two person team.

We’ve had countless late nights talking about what this CRM would look like and the features it would have, how we’d build it and make it easier to use than so many other tools out there. Having stepped into the world of CRMs we also know what a huge, long-term project this would be. As the weeks went by I asked myself if there was not something a little more simple I could build that focused on something specific. (Tip: Sometimes, when you have a BIG idea, there are a few smaller, simpler ideas you can get started with first and a great way to get something good going.) It’s always a good idea to try and build something simple to prove it’s something that’s a good fit before investing so much time and energy.

You see, with a CRM (the big project idea) you have a whole lot of different aspects to it. Customer communication, contracts, questionnaires, invoicing, finances, etc. All these pieces to a larger CRM could also be great stand-alone products.

So that’s what really got my wheels turning. The more I thought about it the more I loved the idea of focusing on the invoicing and financing aspect of a CRM. But take it one step further and build something to help with selling not just services but also digital products. The more I thought about it, the more perfect it got. Sharing the process of how to generate passive income while at the same time building a tool to make it possible for others to jump into creating and selling products and generating passive income.

But, here’s a thought: What if I take you on this exhilarating ride of crafting passive income, and in the process, together, we create this tool together?

Hold onto your seats because here’s the twist – I want this tool to be freely accessible. No monthly subscription tags. While I’ll need to put on my thinking cap to weave in the passive income magic, the core idea is clear: serve our community and reveal the magic behind the scenes while building a tool that makes generating passive income a breeze.

Having built a similar tool once that not only ensured a monthly passive income but also led to a $90,000 acquisition would be the perfect way to teach more about passive income. If I could do it, so can you for any digital product or service.

So, beautiful soul, strap in. This is our journey to crafting passive income.

The blueprint is ready, and my heart is set on it. Prepare to be taken on a behind-the-scenes journey of every intricate detail that breathes life into a passive income avenue.

Stay tuned for more updates to land in your inbox. I’ll also publish everything to the blog so you can easily find the information there and cover it as many times as you need. 

I’ll be sharing the good, the bad and everything in between. You’ll continue to get emails about the process and I’ll publish all the content over on the blog so it’s easy to find. The content will be free for you to view and will remain on the blog as free content. 

Ready to keep reading? Continue reading and find out what we’re calling this new tool, what inspired me, and what I’m doing first to get the ball rolling. 

If you’re feeling stuck on an idea, head on over to THIS blog post to get your creativity flowing. I listed out all the ways I’ve generated passive income (and even gave some insight on how much $$$ I’ve earned from some of these ideas). 

Ready for more? Join my newsletter and be the first to know about new articles published on the blog, business tips, and of course, all the best strategies and free resources. There’s a reason this list is 70,000 strong!

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Brand minimalism – clean out the clutter

Today I’m putting on my “minimalist hat” to help you find clarity about what truly matters for your business. You see, I’m a minimalist at heart. I thrive when the clutter around me is cleaned out. That’s exactly why I audit my business every month to see if there’s any “clutter” I need to get rid of. 

The first thing I do is to rewrite my “why” on a sticky note and put it on my mirror so I see it first thing every morning. 

Rewriting it helps me to remember the big picture – what is the #1 reason I built this business? 

Then, I use this simple checklist to analyze how well things are working.

  • What are my main products/services? 
  • Are they solving a problem my audience has? 
  • Is ALL of my content clear to my audience and easy for them to use? 
  • What things have I been spending energy on that are no longer aligned with my goals? 

Answering these questions gives me a clearer picture of my business as a whole. 

So the next step is to plan what I need to do in order to keep my processes, sales, and offerings all in line with my vision. 

It keeps me focused on what’s really important to me and allows me to better serve my clients and myself. 

I think the best term for this type of business is “gentle business” (I LOVE that idea so much!). 

If you’ve never heard the term before, it means that you’re operating from a place of integrity and authenticity. 

Instead of rushing around, you’re allowing yourself to share your most genuine self and building deeper relationships with your clients. 

So that when they buy from you, it’s things they truly need and want. 

That’s such a beautiful way to support yourself and others. 

If you’ve been frustrated with nurturing your audience and fighting to show your true self – STOP! 

When your business is rooted in YOU, being genuine will come naturally. 

After all, when posting content anywhere, quality is FAR more important than quantity. 

Because your content is your brand – it’s you. 

And that’s exactly how I’ve built my business Wordsmith

If you struggle to write Instagram posts, then I have something to help you. 

Do you think copywriter approved Instagram captions delivered to your inbox and ready for you to customize would help you grow your business YOUR way? 

If you said “YES!”, then I have a free trial with your name on it. 

You can click here to be taken directly to the sign up page for the trial – no strings attached. 

Ready for more? Join my newsletter and be the first to know about new articles published on the blog, business tips, and of course, all the best strategies and free resources. There’s a reason this list is 70,000 strong!

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Email Marketing vs. Social Media Marketing

Email marketing has been around for a long time. It’s a fantastic way to reach a large group of people in a short period of time. The idea is that you send marketing information to your subscribers, typically via email. Many companies use email marketing to promote their products and services. Some of the advantages to email marketing are that it is a one-way conversation, so you can control the conversation. You can also use it to measure how successful your marketing campaign is.

Email marketing has been around for a long time. It’s a fantastic way of reaching a large group of people in a short period of time. The idea is that you send marketing information to your subscribers, typically via email.

Which is Better – Social Media Marketing or Email Marketing?

Email marketing and social media marketing are both effective ways to reach out to customers and promote your business. So which is better for your business?

Email marketing is more personal and can be more targeted than social media marketing. With email marketing, you can reach out to customers with specific messages that are relevant to their interests. Email marketing is also more affordable than social media marketing.

Social media marketing is more immediate and can reach a larger audience than email marketing. With social media marketing, you can post updates and messages that customers will see right away. Social media marketing is also more interactive than email marketing, so you can engage with customers and get feedback in real-time.

So which is better for your business – email marketing or social media marketing? It depends on your goals and your budget. If you want to reach out to customers with specific, targeted messages, then email marketing is a good choice. If you want to reach a larger audience more quickly and interact with them in real-time, then social media marketing is a better choice.

Unlike social media, you own your list

This means that you can contact them at any time, without needing permission, and without worrying about being blocked or shadow banned. Email marketing also allows you to build deeper relationships with your audience, because you can segment your list to send more personalized emails.

With social media, you’re at the mercy of the algorithm. Your post might be shown to a small percentage of your followers, and then only if they’re online at the same time you are. You can boost your posts or run ads, but you’re still playing by the rules of the platform.

Email marketing gives you more control and allows you to build a relationship with your audience that goes beyond the occasional like, share, or comment.

Which channel can generate the most leads?

Email marketing and social media marketing are both excellent lead generation channels. However, email marketing tends to generate more leads than social media marketing. This is because email marketing allows you to directly contact your leads and build a relationship with them, whereas social media marketing is more of a indirect way to generate leads.

Use social media as an introduction to new customers

Email is perfect for delivering personalized content, coupons, and updates on new product launches.

Email marketing and social media marketing are both important tools for businesses. They both have their own strengths and weaknesses. Email marketing is good for delivering personalized content, coupons, and updates on new product launches. Social media is good for introductions to new customers and staying in touch with current ones.

Serve your audience with great content that speaks to them

Email marketing has been around for many years, and it’s still one of the best ways to market your business. It’s important to have a solid marketing strategy in place that includes email marketing. The difference between social media marketing and email marketing is that you can use email even if your business doesn’t have an online presence. 

However, with social media, you’ll need to be on sites like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram in order to reach a larger audience. (and you’re typically only going to reach a small perentage of your audience every time you post). If your goal is to grow your brand through content creation, then you’ll want to create the right type of content that speaks directly to your audience on those sites. That way they’ll be more likely to follow you and engage with what you’re saying on those networks.

Move your social media audience to your list

Regardless of how big or small your social media following is today, you’re goal should always be to move that audience over to your email list by using opt-ins.  You may not need an email list right away if you have an already thriving social media following, but even then it’s never too early to start building out this important channel. 

The beauty of an email list is that they allow you to communicate directly with your followers at any time and provide them with valuable information based on their interests. If someone signs up for your email newsletter, they’re giving you permission to reach out to them again in the future with content they’ll find interesting.

If you’re already seeing success on social media, consider which of your posts are performing well and test email opt-ins on those to determine what works best. Keep track of all your results in a spreadsheet so that you can constantly improve and see growth over time and really understand what opt-ins are growing your list the fastest. 

Best opt-ins to grow your email list

Here are the most successful opt-ins to grow your email list: 

· Free trial of your product or service. 

· Exclusive content that can only be accessed via email. 

· Freebies, discounts, and other incentives. 

· Prize in exchange for an email address. 

· Inviting readers to subscribe to a newsletter by offering valuable tips delivered directly to their inbox. 

· Giving your visitors the opportunity to enter a contest for something valuable.

Easy and simple opt-in ideas for your business

Don’t have an opt-in form on your website yet? No problem! Here are a few easy ways to get started and start growing your list with very little effort. 

· Requiring email opt-in to view certain pages on your website (like pricing pages)

· Popup opt-in with a discount code

· Simple header or footer opt-in to get on your list

These simple ways of setting up on opt-in have proven to be really successful and don’t require much work to set up. 

Segment your email list subscribers 

One thing I love about having a large email list is making it possible to have my subscribers opt-in for specific segments within my list. If someone only wants to be notified on upcoming sales, I have a segmentation for that. Maybe they want to be the first to know about upcoming resources and freebies, they get added to a new segment. Allowing self-segmentation allows my audience to opt-in to get specific emails and only receive the content they want. 

And always, always include a compelling reason to sign up. Make it clear to your visitors what they’re going to get by subscribing. If you plan on sending out a regular newsletter, state how often that newsletter will arrive and offer a few examples of what it will contain.

Top platforms for email marketing

Email marketing is still one of the most effective ways to reach your customers but it can be overwhelming to find a platform that fits your needs. There’s a lot of different options out there ranging from Mailchimp, Convertkit, Mailerlite, Activecampaign and my personal favorite Flodesk

With so many options, it can be hard to decide which platform will work best for your business. While some are simple drag-and-drop email campaigns, others have a lot more features that allow you to do things like create landing pages and track sales funnels.

I’ve used Flodesk for years and absolutely love it for my business. 

Many businesses are now trying to use email marketing as a way to grow their audience, rather than relying solely on social media. After all, social media can only get you so far. But when it comes down to it, which marketing strategy will work better for your business: social media or email marketing? The answer really depends on what kind of business you’re running and the goals that you have in mind.

Email marketing has been around much longer than social media marketing, and while it may not be as flashy, it’s still one of the most effective ways to promote your business. You need to devote a lot of time and resources to social media marketing, but you can get started right away with email marketing. 

Email marketing will allow you to reach customers who are already interested in your product or service. You’re also able to keep track of which emails work best so that you can send more like them in the future. With social media, on the other hand, there’s no way of knowing if people are seeing your posts unless they interact with them.

In the end, what’s most important is that you focus on creating a well-rounded marketing strategy. Email marketing and social media marketing are two of the most popular ways of reaching out to customers online. It’s important to have a well-rounded marketing strategy so that you can reach your audience in different ways.  That’s why it’s not an either/or situation when it comes to email marketing vs social media marketing – they should both be part of any comprehensive digital marketing campaign. 

Overview: Performance Statistics

It’s no secret that social media has taken over as the number one platform for marketing. In fact, according to Statista, social media platforms have 2.46 billion active users worldwide.

Email marketing, on the other hand, is still going strong. In 2017, there were 3.7 billion email users worldwide. By 2020, that number is expected to grow to 4.1 billion.

So, which one should you use for your business? The answer, of course, is both.

Here’s a look at some email marketing vs social media performance statistics for 2018.

Email Marketing

• Open rate: 20.81%

• Click-through rate: 2.78%

Social Media

• Engagement rate: 1.73%

As you can see, email marketing has a higher open rate and click-through rate than social media. However, social media has a higher engagement rate.

Both email marketing and social media are important for your business. Email marketing is a great way to reach your customers directly, while social media is a great way to engage with your customers.

One Area Where Social Does Come Ahead

Social media platforms allow you to easily interact with your customers in a way that email simply cannot match. Customers can like, share, comment, and even direct message you on social media, which helps to create a more personal connection.

Email marketing still has its place in a solid marketing strategy, but it should be used in tandem with social media for the best results. Both email and social media allow you to reach a wide audience with your marketing message, but social media offers the added benefit of engagement. If you can get customers interacting with your brand on social media, you’re more likely to create a lasting relationship that will lead to continued business.

Social Media Marketing Vs. Email Marketing: Pros & Cons

Email marketing and social media marketing are two very different beasts. As a business owner, you need to decide which one is right for you and your products or services. Here are some pros and cons of each to help you make your decision.

Email marketing is great for building relationships with your customers. You can send out regular updates, special offers, and coupons to keep them coming back. It’s also fairly easy to set up and track results.

Social media marketing is a great way to reach a large audience with little effort. You can post updates, special offers, and coupons on your social media pages and watch as your followers share them with their friends.

However, social media marketing can be very unpredictable. It’s hard to know when your posts will take off and when they will flop. And, if you don’t have a large following to begin with, it can be difficult to get your social media marketing campaign off the ground.

Final Conclusion on Social Media Marketing vs Email Marketing

In general, email marketing is more effective than social media marketing because it allows you to directly target your audience with a personalized message. With social media marketing, your message is more likely to get lost in the noise. For me theres a clear winner based on the points listed below.

1. You Own Your List of Subscribers

Email marketing is permission-based, meaning that people have given you permission to email them by opting in to your list. This makes it much harder for social media platforms to shut you down or for competitors to swoop in and poach your list. You also have more control over how you communicate with your subscribers. Email marketing allows you to build a relationship with your list, segment your list, and personalize your communications.

Social media platforms, on the other hand, do not give you ownership of your followers. The platform can shut down your account at any time, or a competitor can come in and try to poach your followers. You also have less control over how you communicate with your followers on social media. With email marketing, you can segment your list and send highly targeted, personalized communications.

2. You Get a Higher ROI with email marketing

Email marketing has a higher return on investment (ROI) than any other form of marketing—3800% on average, according to Campaign Monitor. That’s because it’s easy to set up, track, and test different email campaigns, and email is still the preferred method of communication for most people. You’re In Control of the message with email marketing, you own the list of subscribers, and you control the content of the messages you send them.

That’s not the case with social media. The platforms may change the way they display your content, or they may delete it altogether if they don’t like what you’ve posted. You don’t need to spend as much time on email marketing. Email marketing is a relatively passive form of marketing. You can automate a lot of the work, and once you have a system in place, it doesn’t take a lot of time to maintain. You can set up automated messages to go out to new subscribers, and you can also send out regular newsletters and other email content without having to create each message from scratch every time. Social media, on the other hand, is much more time-consuming.


3. You Don’t Have to Compete with Algorithms

Another big advantage that email has over social media is that you don’t have to compete with algorithms. When you post something on social media, it’s not guaranteed that your followers will see it. In fact, unless you pay to promote your post, there’s a good chance that only a small percentage of your followers will see it. On the other hand, when you send an email, it will go directly to your subscribers’ inboxes. You don’t have to worry about whether or not your message will be seen.

4. Organic reach is far better with email marketing

You’re able to segment your email list to send highly relevant, targeted content to a specific group of people, which leads to higher engagement and conversion rates.

The Takeaway

In the world of digital marketing, there is a lot of debate about which platform is better for promoting your business: email marketing or social media marketing. Both have their pros and cons, but in general, email marketing is more effective for building relationships with customers, while social media marketing is better for promoting your brand and reaching new customers.

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I'm Elena, your


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Multi-passionate, CEO of multiple companies, mama of four, obsessed with all things business and marketing, ready to help you attract your ideal client and customer. My goal is to give you the strategies and tools to grow your business so you can save time, get real results and focus on what matters most.

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