How To Batch Work & Get More Done In Less Time

I’ve always been one of those people who wanted to do as much as possible, as fast as possible. Which sounds great in theory but doesn’t actually work so well in practice. Over the years, I’ve learned the value of batch working. Which has helped me become significantly more efficient in my workflow. Now I have far more time available to dedicate to the things that really matter.

In the world of startups and entrepreneurs, working longer hours means you’re working harder. But it doesn’t necessarily mean you’re getting more done or spending your time in the most effective way possible. In fact, working too much can become counterproductive. As your brain will start to lose focus, and you’ll waste time on unnecessary activities. (Like checking your Facebook notifications or refreshing Instagram). If you want to be productive, learn how to batch work. This way you’ll get more done each day with less stress and fatigue.


Entrepreneurs are well-known for working long hours—and that’s a good thing. But, entrepreneurs often struggle with not enough time in the day. They often find themselves not getting enough time for other important things. (Like sleep or exercise, and not spending enough time with family and friends). However, entrepreneurs can learn to manage their time better.

Here’s how: By learning how to batch work. 


In a time where everyone is expected to be available all of the time, batch working can give you valuable control over how much work you take on in a given period. If you’re strapped for time and need more things done in less time, batch working is an excellent way to get stuff done. This also frees up your mental capacity so that when you are not on duty for one specific task, you can focus on other aspects of your business. Here’s what we mean:

Let’s say you find yourself spending a lot of time doing many tasks throughout your workday; you bounce from checking emails to a client call, then work on a new blog article, jump on IG or Facebook for a few minutes, all while searching the internet for something you need. You’re doing A LOT all at once every day.


Batch work, on the other hand, divides specific time-consuming tasks (like checking your emails, responding to clients or writing IG captions) into a set time frame. During this time, you focus only on that one task. 

By dedicating time to doing only one thing, you become more focus and more efficient in the work you do. 

For my business, I’ve learned to batch work for many different things. One of the main ones is writing social media captions. Something that used to take me so much time! As someone who writes social media content for others (in the Curated Captions Membership). I’ve learned that I write better when I have a set amount of time to just sit and write and really focus only on that one thing. I turn off my phone and remove all other distractions. Instead of writing one caption per day, I spend a few hours and write ALL captions for the months. Now that task is not something I need to do daily, and the work I produce is far better because it was created with 100% of my attention.  


The idea of batch working involves breaking down work into manageable chunks. Business owners who successfully incorporate batch working into their schedule say they now spend less time worrying about their to-do list and more time actually getting things done. It’s a matter of learning how to manage your energy rather than an endless stream of tasks. It may be tough in the beginning—and definitely requires some discipline—but after a few weeks or months, you’ll likely begin to notice that you have days where you just get loads done with very little procrastination.


This is when you schedule chunks of time for specific tasks. The idea behind it is that if you block off time for each task, you can accomplish more during your workday since you’re not trying to multi-task or manage distractions. Block off uninterrupted times in your calendar specifically for certain activities. Schedule appointments with yourself, basically. If there are times during your day where you tend to get distracted or find yourself unproductive, blocking them out could help keep you on track. For me, time blocking & batch editing go hand in hand. 


Entrepreneurs are often so busy jumping from one thing to another that they don’t even realize when they might be falling behind. Using time-blocking in your schedule allows you to see exactly how much time you’re spending on each task, and when you can allocate more time to something that needs it. When used alongside batch working, entrepreneurs can be more efficient at work than ever before!

How you can batch work and get more done in less time

There’s a lot of flexibility when it comes to how you want to manage your time and still get a lot done. Find a method that works for you and stick with it. For example, say you check email only one time per day—during the morning. Keep that routine daily (or weekly, or monthly depending on what the task is).


You’ve heard of The 4-Hour Workweek—but what about a 4-hour workday? What if instead of working for eight hours, you worked just four hours in the morning, leaving the rest of your day free for personal activities or even working on another project? It might sound crazy at first, but batching can save you an incredible amount of time—and could be one of your best tools for moving forward in reaching your biggest goals!

Speaking of getting more done in less time, I have plenty of resources to help you with your business. If you’re interested in becoming my newest client (and letting me write ALL your IG captions every month), then head on over to the Wordsmith to learn more! 

Ready for more? Join my newsletter and be the first to know about new articles published on the blog, business tips, and of course, all the best strategies and free resources. There’s a reason this list is 70,000 strong!

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How to Make Six Figures Using Social Media

When it comes to the world of marketing and advertising, we’re lucky to live in a time where we don’t just have to depend on word of mouth. We can use modern tools like social media to reach thousands of people from around the world. All with just a click of a button.

If you run a business, you probably spend a great deal of time coming up with content to share and know the struggle of content creation. Sometimes it can be hard to know what to say to place yourself as an expert in your industry, so potential clients and customers are eager to hire and buy from you.

So let me let you in on a little secret…

When it comes to social media, it’s not about constantly selling and promoting what you have to offer.

Instead, it’s a place to build a connection.

A place where people get to know you more, learn from you, see what you do and what you have to offer. It’s so much more than a platform to sell. When you start using it as a tool to connect, you’ll see the sales and booking begin to come naturally.

You might wonder why that is…

When you can build a personal connection and create trust, you no longer have to “sell” yourself to potential clients and customers in order to grow your business. Instead, you can use tools like social media to connect with the right people. By having an open conversation, they will naturally learn more about what you do.

The best thing you can do for your business is offer value to those who need it the most. The truth is, I’ve never liked the idea of ‘selling’ to clients and customers. Instead, I love to see it as me educating them about a problem I can help solve and showing them how to do that. 

Here’s a quick example.

Wordsmith is a membership of professionally written social media captions for entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurs can sign up for free and get the first month’s worth of captions for free to see if it’s the right fit. If they choose to stay, they automatically get new captions, delivered every single month.


  • It helps entrepreneurs save time because they get professionally written captions every month and no longer need to write them.
  • They instantly get a social media strategy built into the captions. Which will help them connect to more customers and clients.
  • By using the captions, they can finally show up on social media the way they have always wanted to. 
  • They can quickly customize these captions to who they are and what their business is about.

Our software helps photographers and entrepreneurs with clients manage all aspects of their business. And our beautiful presets help others edit their photos. These presets help create their dream style with just a click of a button. 

For me, it’s never about selling, it’s about offering a solution.  

If you haven’t already, take time to think about the problems your business solves for others. How you can change the conversation from selling to having the perfect solution to someone’s problem. When it comes to getting more sales, more clients, or more customers, it comes down to building more connections with people. People who need exactly what you have to offer.

That leads to more traffic to your business.

Which is what we all want, right?

The #1 traffic referrer for my business is direct traffic. And there’s not a great deal someone can do to alter those numbers. The second leading referrer has always been social media. With over six figures made directly from clients and customers finding me via social media alone, it plays a vital role in my business marketing strategy. Lucky for us, the amount of traffic we get from social media IS something we can alter significantly with the right strategy.

Using social media to book more clients, get more customers, or sell more products is 100% possible. But you have to build your foundation on connection instead of selling. A great way to do exactly that is by using the 5-point strategy, which covers not just promoting your business but other important topics you can use to connect with ideal customers and clients. I’ve used this exact strategy for years, and it’s worked incredibly well. 

Download some free captions to try

If you’re ready for more, I recently created a guide going over my entire Social Media Marketing Strategy. I even included some of the social media captions from our Curated Captions membership. You can jump right in and see for yourself how easy it is to use the power of social media to scale your business!

You can download the complete guide for free HERE

It’s loaded with helpful tips and tricks, and absolutely perfect for anyone who’s ready to start using a social media strategy that will actually help them grow their business.

Ready for more? Join my newsletter and be the first to know about new articles published on the blog, business tips, and of course, all the best strategies and free resources. There’s a reason this list is 70,000 strong!

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Is ‘BUSY’ Costing You Your Health?

As an entrepreneur, I know firsthand that running a business can feel like a never-ending marathon. We juggle tasks, manage projects, brainstorm strategies, and often, in the whirlwind of it all, our personal health takes a backseat. Mix that into being a mother of 4 who works from home full time and it’s so easy to push my own health to the side. But here’s a truth bomb for you: prioritizing your health is not just essential; it’s non-negotiable. Today, I want to talk about the art of balancing and prioritizing personal health while running a business. 

The Unseen Connection: Health and Business Success

Think about it: when you’re feeling your best, you perform your best. Your mind is sharper, your creativity soars, and your energy levels are high. This isn’t just feel-good talk; it’s backed by science. Studies show that regular physical activity boosts cognitive function, reduces stress, and enhances overall well-being. And let’s not forget, mental health is as crucial as physical health. A clear, focused mind is our most powerful tool in decision-making and problem-solving.

It’s a Choice: Choosing Your Hard

Here’s the thing: both neglecting your health and taking care of it are HARD. The difference? The hard of neglect leads to burnout, decreased productivity, and even health issues. The hard of self-care leads to longevity, resilience, and a thriving business. So, ask yourself, which hard are you choosing? 

Neglecting your health is an easy trap to fall into, especially when you’re caught up in the whirlwind of business. You might think skipping a meal, cutting down on sleep, or ignoring stress is a small price to pay for success. However, these small oversights accumulate, snowballing into significant health problems. This path, though it may seem easier in the short term, leads to a hard reality – burnout, decreased productivity, and a host of health issues ranging from chronic fatigue to serious diseases. 

This isn’t just about feeling tired or under the weather; it’s about compromising the very engine that drives your business and life forward.

On the other hand, the hard of self-care, though seemingly daunting at first, is an investment in your most valuable asset – yourself. This path requires discipline, commitment, and the willingness to put your well-being at the forefront. It means making time for regular exercise, ensuring you’re eating nutritious meals, getting enough sleep, and managing stress. It’s about listening to your body and responding to its needs. This might mean saying no to a late-night work session or delegating tasks to make time for a health check-up.

The rewards of this path are manifold. By taking care of your health, you’re building a foundation of longevity and resilience. You’re not just working towards a thriving business but also towards a thriving self. With good health, you bring your best self to your business, enhancing creativity, decision-making skills, and overall productivity. You’re able to lead by example, fostering a culture of wellness within your organization. This isn’t just about living longer; it’s about living better, with the vitality and energy to enjoy the success you’re working so hard to achieve.

So, the question remains, which hard are you choosing? Are you willing to endure the short-term discomfort of building and maintaining healthy habits for long-term benefits? Or will you choose the seemingly easy path of neglect, with its long-term consequences? The decision is yours, and it’s a critical one. Remember, in this journey of entrepreneurship, your health is the compass that guides you towards true success.

Practical Steps to Prioritize Health in the Hustle

Schedule It In: Treat your health like an important business meeting. Put it in your calendar. Whether it’s a 30-minute walk, a yoga session, or a mental health break, make it non-negotiable.

Nutrition Matters: Eating well is fueling your body for success. Plan your meals like you plan your business strategies. Quick, healthy meals can be just as convenient as fast food if you prepare in advance.

Mindfulness Practices: Whether it’s meditation, journaling, or simply practicing gratitude, mindfulness helps keep stress at bay and enhances focus.

Delegation is Key: You can’t do everything yourself. Delegate tasks in your business to make room for your health. It’s not just about freeing up time; it’s about mental space too. If social media captions is on that list, sign up for Wordsmith already!

Listen to Your Body: Tune into your body’s signals. Feeling drained or stressed is a sign to slow down and reassess your priorities.

The Ripple Effect of a Healthy Entrepreneur

When you’re healthy, the benefits ripple outwards. Your business thrives, and your personal life flourishes. It’s a holistic approach where every aspect of your life gets a piece of the wellness pie.

The Reality of Rough Days

Let’s be real: it’s not always smooth sailing. There will be days when everything feels overwhelming, and your health seems like the least of your concerns. It’s okay. The key is to not let these days become the norm. Acknowledge them, learn from them, and get back on track.

Your Health, Your Wealth

Remember, your health is your wealth. Without it, no amount of business success can compensate. It’s the foundation upon which everything else is built. When you’re healthy, you’re in a better position to make sound business decisions, lead effectively, and enjoy the life you’ve built.

Merging Movement and Work: The Walking Treadmill Desk

I want to share a personal experience that beautifully illustrates how we can combine self-care with our work. Recently, I invested in a walking treadmill desk for my office. Now, this might sound like a novelty to some, but let me tell you, it’s been a game-changer.

The Concept: Walk While You Work

The idea is simple yet revolutionary. With a walking treadmill desk, I can take my daily walk without stepping away from my desk. It’s an incredibly efficient way to rack up the miles each day, all while staying on top of my work. I love it so much that I even moved my iMac to it permanently because I realized how much I enjoy walking while working. 

Overcoming Initial Skepticism

Initially, I was skeptical. Typing and walking simultaneously seemed like a multitasking challenge that could end in more distraction than productivity. But, to my surprise, it turned out to be the perfect combination for someone like me – someone who loves to keep both body and mind active.

The Surprising Benefits

Here’s the crazy part: I can walk up to 5 miles a day while answering emails and working on projects. This isn’t just about physical health; it’s a mental boost too. Walking while working keeps my mind fresh and my body active, leading to clearer thinking and a more energetic workday.

Is It for You?

Now, a walking treadmill desk might not be for everyone, but it’s worth considering if you’re looking for innovative ways to integrate health into your busy schedule. It’s a testament to the fact that with a bit of creativity, we can find solutions that help us maintain our health without sacrificing productivity.

My experience with the walking treadmill desk underlines a crucial point: prioritizing health doesn’t have to come at the expense of work. In fact, when we find ways to merge the two, we create a sustainable lifestyle that supports both our business goals and our personal well-being. It’s a reminder that sometimes, the most effective solutions are those that address multiple aspects of our lives simultaneously.

I want you to remember that taking care of your health while running a business isn’t just a good idea; it’s essential for your success and well-being. You have the power to choose your hard. Choose the one that leads to a fulfilling, healthy, and successful life.

Now, I leave you with this thought: What small step can you take today to prioritize your health for a better tomorrow? How can you apply this lesson to not just transform your personal health, but also to elevate your business?

Take this moment to reflect. Your journey to a healthier, more balanced life as an entrepreneur starts with one choice, one step. Remember, in the dance of life and business, your health is the rhythm that keeps you moving gracefully.

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Benefits of Outsourcing: is it a good idea?

Outsourcing is the process of contracting a third party to complete business processes and/or tasks that are traditionally completed by in-house staff. It’s a strategic move that can help your business focus on its core competencies, become more cost-effective, improve efficiency, and gain access to better technology and skilled resources. When done correctly, outsourcing can be a powerful tool to help businesses achieve long-term success. 

The benefits of outsourcing can be significant. When you outsource, you can: 

Free up internal resources

When you outsource, you can free up internal resources, including time and money. This allows you to redirect these resources to more strategic initiatives.

Focus on your core competencies

When you outsource, you can focus on your core competencies and leave the non-core tasks to the experts. This allows you to focus on what you do best and leave the rest to those who can do it better.

Improve efficiency and productivity

There are many benefits of outsourcing that can help to increase efficiency in your business. When you outsource, you are able to focus on your core competencies and leave the non-essential tasks to someone else. This can help to free up your time so that you can focus on the most important aspects of your business. 

Additionally, outsourcing can also help to improve quality and reduce costs. When you outsource to a company that specializes in a certain task, they are usually able to do it more efficiently and at a lower cost than if you were to do it in-house. 

Access to Skilled Resources

​Perhaps the most obvious benefit is that it can save your organization time and money. When you outsource access to skilled resources, you can avoid the costly process of recruiting, training, and managing your own staff. Additionally, outsourcing can provide your organization with access to a larger pool of skilled workers. This can be especially beneficial if you need access to skilled resources on a short-term or project-based basis. Finally, outsourcing can help to improve the quality of your organization’s work. When you outsource access to skilled resources, you can tap into a wealth of knowledge and experience that you may not have within your organization. This can help to improve the quality of your organization’s products or services. 


There are a number of reasons why you should consider outsourcing as a solopreneur. First, it can help you save time and money. By outsourcing tasks that you don’t have time for or that you’re not good at, you can focus on the things that you’re good at and that you enjoy. Second, it can help you grow your business. By outsourcing tasks that are necessary but that you don’t have time for, you can free up time to focus on growing your business.

YOU are a leader…a decision-maker…and a planner. So the question is, can you really do everything alone, or is there a better way to grow your business faster with the help of outsourcing?

The answer is “YES”! You can do everything in your business alone. You can study, struggle, fail, figure it out on your own and keep spending every waking hour to make your company a success. But do you actually know how much quality of life you sacrifice when you don’t delegate?


One study showed that small business owners work TWICE as much as employees. Delegating allows you to double down and focus on your “zone of genius” and reduces ‘decision fatigue, decreasing your mental clutter so you can grow more into your current role. And frees up your critical thinking for truly important decisions.

Remember that saying “yes” to doing everything means you’re saying “no” to something else. You’re always making a choice.


Consider this: have you ever gotten stumped by something simple? Maybe you couldn’t decide which color the next cell on your spreadsheet should be: red or blue. Or perhaps you’ve opened the door of the refrigerator, knowing that you were hungry and not even seen what’s in the fridge.

That’s decision fatigue.

Your brain has reached its limit and can no longer make even the simplest decisions. And if you’re hitting that level multiple times a week, then it’s time to re-evaluate. After all, wasn’t the point of starting your own business to have freedom? Be your own boss? And work better hours?

That’s EXACTLY the kind of life that delegating can help you create.

Outsourcing time-consuming business tasks that take away time from the important aspects of your business is a huge benefit. 

If you currently have a business that offers a product or services and you typically run every aspect of your business by yourself, there’s a lot of benefit to finding the right person that can assist you in specific day-to-day tasks.

By outsourcing, you have the advantage of being able to focus on the critical parts of your business and allow someone else’s expertise to focus on the other pieces that might require a lot of time.

For Example:

If you’re a professional photographer, the most important part of your business would be taking portraits, customer support, and delivering your clients the best experience. However, taking photos is just one of the many jobs you have to do on a daily basis. 

Other jobs also include booking and scheduling, accounting, sales, post-processing, social media management, and a million other little jobs that require your time and attention. When you look at everything that needs to get done, you might find yourself feeling like you lack time being able to do it all. 


I would say the number one reason for outsourcing is that if you find yourself not having enough time to do everything OR you feel like there are parts of your job that can be done better if you had someone who’s focus it was to just do that one job for your business. Then a better approach to running your business would be to outsource and get a little help with the tasks that can be handed off to someone who can do a better job with it.

Of course, the one thing that holds business owners back is the cost. So with that in mind, I’d like you to think about it in a new way.

One of the keys to successful outsourcing is to take a step back. After all, it may sound like a lot of money to hire an outside marketing firm for $2,000/month. Here’s a trick to put that into perspective.

Ask yourself how long it takes you to:

  • Research your target market
  • Build a marketing plan
  • Write ONE ad with variations
  • Find or create an image to go with the ad
  • The process of learning new technology/tool/software 
  • Run tests on your ads to maximize their conversion rate

And that’s just one of the jobs that a solopreneur has.


Not only does outsourcing save you precious time, but it also allows you to build a sustainable business model. Because you can’t scale effectively if you’re needed to run every day-to-day task or be of value to your team members.

That’s where we come in for so many of our Wordsmith clients. Creating original, engaging content for your audience every day can be exhausting. But using copywriter-approved, hand-crafted social media captions for your business saves you time and money. In the end, every single one of my clients is saving their precious time by outsourcing social media content creation and allowing me to handle the writing for them. 


There are many factors to consider when businesses outsource. One of the most important factors is cost. Businesses must carefully consider the costs of outsourcing before making a decision.

There’s a huge range in the cost of outsourcing, and much of the price has to do with the specific skill set or project you’re hiring for. It can range anywhere from $5.00 to $5000 depending on the project and the expertise the person you’re hiring has. 


There are a few key factors to consider when deciding whether to outsource to a company or hire a freelancer. The first is cost. Generally speaking, outsourcing to a company will be more expensive than hiring a freelancer. This is because companies have overhead costs such as office space, employee benefits, and marketing. They also need to make a profit, so their rates will be higher than a freelancer’s. 

The second factor to consider is expertise. If you need a large range of skill sets, it may be worth it to pay a bit more for a company that specializes in that area and can help you with a few different things. 

Hiring an individual/freelancer that is an expert in one specific thing has always been where I’ve gotten the best results. I’m able to work with one person directly and really build the scope of the project around my specific needs. 

The third factor is time. If you need the work done quickly, a freelancer may be your best bet. They are typically more flexible with their schedules and can often get the work done faster than a company. 

Also, keep in mind that most larger companies have long-term contracts in place. Whereas freelancers can be hired on a shorter basis for specific projects.

I’ve worked with both large companies and freelancers and have always enjoyed the process of working with freelancers far more. I’ve also had much better results this way. 

I believe it’s because I was able to find a dedicated, skilled professional who had superior experience on a specific topic. Compared to a large company that offers many different solutions for a large range of skills done at a lower level.


The one thing I’ve loved about working with freelancers is that it opens the position to anyone that has the right skill set, regardless of where they are located. I typically narrow it down to working with those located in the United States but have heard good things about hiring abroad as well. 

At the moment, I have freelancers on my team that are from Colorado, Florida, and California. And although I’m located all the way in Hawaii, and we’re all in a different time zone, it works out great for all of us. I don’t have to depend on finding someone local to me for most of these jobs. So keeping it open to more than just one location allows me to find the best individual for the job. 

Here’s what to consider when deciding whether to outsource hiring to freelancers or to bring on employees. The most important factor is cost. It is typically cheaper to hire a freelancer than to take in a full-time employee. This is because you only have to pay the freelancer for the work they do, and you don’t have to provide them with benefits or other perks. Additionally, if you only need someone for a short-term project, it makes more sense to hire a freelancer than to bring on a new employee. 

Another key factor to consider is the quality of work. When you outsource hiring to a freelancer, you have the opportunity to interview multiple candidates and choose the one you think will do the best job. With an employee, you are usually stuck with whoever you hire. 

Finally, you need to consider the level of commitment you need from the person you hire. A freelancer can be hired for a one-time project and then let go. An employee is usually expected to commit to a longer-term position. 

Outsourcing hiring to freelancers can be a great way to save money and find high-quality candidates. 


1. Make a list of all the jobs you currently have to do for your business. Really think about everything you do. 

2. For each job, ask yourself these questions: 

  • Does this task need to be done? 
  • Could someone else do it? 
  • Would someone else do it better than me? 

3. Once you have a list of the tasks you want to outsource, research the cost of each one. This will help you make an informed decision about what you can afford to outsource. 

4. When you have found a provider you want to work with. Agree on a price and get a contract in place. This will protect both you and your provider. 

5. Finally, hand over the task, and don’t look back!


There are many costs associated with outsourcing great platforms to find freelancers. Here are a few I’ve found the most success with: 


One of the most popular platforms for finding freelancers to outsource work to is Upwork. Upwork is great for finding freelancers because it offers a wide variety of skills and services. It is easy to find freelancers who are willing to work for a reasonable price that can bring a lot of skills to the table. NOTE: It’s my favorite platform to use.


​Fiverr is a great platform to find freelancers because it offers a wide variety of service, and it is very easy to use and affordable.


Another place you can look for is in Facebook Groups. There are typically specific groups for certain skill sets, and freelancers spend a lot of time there. You’ll also have the added benefit of also getting recommendations from others who will refer someone they have already had a good experience with. 


Last but not least, google for what you’re looking for. As one of my services, I offer a monthly membership for professionally written social media captions. Many of my clients simply find that service through google. They might be looking for content creation or a copywriter that specializes in writing captions that will connect them to more ideal clients and customers. 

While there are several cons to outsourcing, there are far more pros. As a business owner myself who used to pride herself in doing absolutely everything without ever getting help. Learning to outsource has been one of the best decisions I’ve made for my business. It allows me to focus on my zone of genius and move my business forward faster. All by working with other skilled professionals that are excited to be on my team. 


With access to the information on Wordsmith, you get high-quality Instagram captions, content that you can customize to suit your business and save yourself a ton of time.

PLUS, we’re offering you a FREE trial, so you can make sure that we’re the right fit for you, with no risks. Are you ready to create more engagement with less effort? Then click below to start your FREE trial today.

Yes! I’m ready to Post Amazing Content in Less Time!

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Balancing Motherhood & Entrepreneurship

Balancing motherhood and entrepreneurship has always been challenging but incredibly rewarding. The precious moments with my 4 children have taught me that being present is more valuable than any business milestone.

Curious about the secret that makes it all possible?

It might surprise you.

Sixteen years ago, I embarked on the exhilarating journey of entrepreneurship with a newborn sleeping in my arms. It was a chaotic dance between naptimes and business calls, between diaper changes and client meetings. I remember feeling like a tightrope walker, balancing precariously between the demands of motherhood and the relentless drive to grow my business. 

Fast forward to today, and I’m back in a similar place, only this time, I have two more little ones filling our home with laughter and a whole lot of chaos.

Starting a business with young children was, and still is, a balancing act. In those early days, it often felt like I was being pulled in a million directions. My two older kids, now 11 and 15, were once tiny beings who needed my constant attention. 

I juggled snack time, playtimes, and sleepless nights while trying to carve out a space for my business to thrive. It wasn’t easy, but it was a journey that shaped me as both a mother and an entrepreneur.

Now, with my older ones off pursuing their passions and my two little ones keeping me on my toes, I am acutely aware of how quickly time passes. 

It feels like just yesterday I was holding my firstborn’s tiny hand, and now I’m watching her navigate life, working 40+ hours doing something she loves. These fleeting moments with my children are precious, and I cherish every second. I know that soon enough, my house will be quieter, and the demands of motherhood will shift.

In this season of life, my office time has become a rare luxury. I adore my beautiful workspace, but I’ve learned that being present with my children is far more valuable than any business milestone. The hours I spend with them, building sand castles or making up bedtime stories, are moments I will never get back. My big ideas and ambitious plans for my business might take a little longer to achieve, but that’s okay. This is what feels right for me now.

Creating a Business That Works for You

One of the most significant lessons I’ve learned over the years is the importance of setting up a business that doesn’t require me to be chained to my desk. Even while I’m at home enjoying family time or working on our historic home, my business continues to generate income. This has been the key for me, and it’s something I’m excited to share more about with others.

By setting up ads that drive traffic to my business, I’ve been able to step away from the constant grind of social media and focus more on what truly matters. 

This approach has allowed me to maintain a steady income without sacrificing those irreplaceable moments at home with my children.

The Freedom of Passive Income and Ads

The beauty of passive income and running ads is that it offers a level of freedom and flexibility that traditional business models often lack. Once you figure out how to set it up, you realize that running a successful business doesn’t have to mean working 40+ hours a week. It’s incredibly liberating, not just on a personal level but financially as well.

For me, this journey has been about finding harmony between my roles as a mother and a business owner. It’s about recognizing that my children will only be little for a short time and that being present for them is the most important thing I can do. My office might be quieter these days, and my business goals might take a bit longer to reach, but the trade-off is more than worth it.

I’m excited to share more about how I’ve managed to create a business that supports my family life rather than detracting from it. For those of you who crave making an income without sacrificing precious moments at home, know that it is possible. It’s about creating systems and strategies that allow your business to run smoothly even when you’re not there.

Setting up ads, automating processes, and focusing on passive income streams have been my secret weapons. They’ve allowed me to step back from the hustle and enjoy my life more fully. And I’m here to tell you that you can do it too. It takes effort and creativity, but the reward is a life where you can be fully present for your children while still achieving your business dreams.

Balancing business and motherhood is no easy feat, but it’s a journey filled with immense rewards. Embrace the chaos, cherish the moments, and create a business that works for you, not the other way around.

And for anyone reading this trying to balance both motherhood and entrepreneurship, Remember; your children will only be little for a short while, and the time you spend with them now will be the memories you treasure forever. Your business can grow and thrive alongside your family, and you don’t have to sacrifice one for the other. Here’s to finding that balance and living a life that feels right for you.

So when you feel like you’re not doing enough or growing your business as quickly as others, just know the real work you’re doing is at home. ❤️

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Getting Started with Passive Income

Alright, beautiful soul, let’s dive deep into some updates about my newest venture, and oh, it’s all about passive income. But to truly paint the picture, I’m rewinding the tapes and letting you in on some personal I wasn’t entirely sure I’d ever share online.

The love and warmth I felt from your responses about diving deep into passive income while still in your cozy pajamas was so overwhelming! Picture this as the first episode of our “Passive Income Chronicles” that’ll land directly in your inbox (or in this case, on the blog).

The past few weeks have been a whirlwind of brainstorming sessions. How do I serve you best? The answer felt clear as day – give you an unfiltered, VIP access into the process. It’s like baking a cake. You could tell someone the recipe, or you could invite them into your kitchen and bake it together.

So here’s my puzzle: What magic can I craft that not only gifts me with passive income but also takes you on the entire rollercoaster from the first brainstorm to the final result?

Here’s a confession: When I pressed ‘send’ on that first email, it was like jumping off a cliff not knowing if I’d fly or fall. But isn’t the thrill of creation so much more electric when you’re not alone? 

And that’s why I wanted to start this journey with YOU.

With a head bursting with ideas, it felt like picking a flavor at an ice cream parlor. 

The real challenge? 

Deciding which idea gets the golden star. Whether you’re a dreamer like me with a myriad of thoughts, or you’re at a crossroads, I suggest this: jot down your thoughts, let them simmer, and then pick what feels right in your gut. The most important piece to choosing the *right* thing is choosing something you’re excited about. It doesn’t matter what your best friend, sister, mom or anyone thinks about the idea. If YOU have a vision for this idea and are excited about it that’s the thing you gotta go for. 

When I dream of crafting something that trickles in passive income, here’s my checklist:

  • Does it solve a problem for my ideal customer/client? 
  • Can this be scaled?
  • Can it help them save time? 
  • Can this help them get a positive result? 
  • Is this something that my already established audience could use?
  • How difficult will this thing be to create? (Depending on you’re strengths you might be able to get it done quickly, or you’ll have to give yourself more time to get it all done). 
  • And most importantly, how can this produce passive income for me? 

I had that ‘aha’ moment when one idea, shining brighter than the rest, called out to me. But before I unveil, let’s take a quick detour.

Remember The Essential Studio Manager? Our labor of love that we poured our hearts and souls into and then, with mixed emotions, handed its reins over, hoping it would soar to greater heights? Well, life threw a curveball.

Instead of the anticipated growth, the new owners not only let it slide but went MIA on our beloved community. This heart-wrenching turn from a glittering accomplishment to a bittersweet memory was tough. After an intensive 6-month handover, seeing our creation wither was a pill hard to swallow.

Plot twist: The company was sold again. Our hopes? CRUSHED.

My husband, Jon – the genius who dived headfirst into the world of coding to build the ESM – and I often talked about how to salvage this one day. We knew we could craft a better CRM system, but going up against industry mammoths felt like David against Goliath. Honeybook who’s latest funding round of $250 million, led by investment giant Tiger Global Management, had valued it at $2.4 billion. And being in the same industry is TOUGH when you’re just a one or two person team.

We’ve had countless late nights talking about what this CRM would look like and the features it would have, how we’d build it and make it easier to use than so many other tools out there. Having stepped into the world of CRMs we also know what a huge, long-term project this would be. As the weeks went by I asked myself if there was not something a little more simple I could build that focused on something specific. (Tip: Sometimes, when you have a BIG idea, there are a few smaller, simpler ideas you can get started with first and a great way to get something good going.) It’s always a good idea to try and build something simple to prove it’s something that’s a good fit before investing so much time and energy.

You see, with a CRM (the big project idea) you have a whole lot of different aspects to it. Customer communication, contracts, questionnaires, invoicing, finances, etc. All these pieces to a larger CRM could also be great stand-alone products.

So that’s what really got my wheels turning. The more I thought about it the more I loved the idea of focusing on the invoicing and financing aspect of a CRM. But take it one step further and build something to help with selling not just services but also digital products. The more I thought about it, the more perfect it got. Sharing the process of how to generate passive income while at the same time building a tool to make it possible for others to jump into creating and selling products and generating passive income.

But, here’s a thought: What if I take you on this exhilarating ride of crafting passive income, and in the process, together, we create this tool together?

Hold onto your seats because here’s the twist – I want this tool to be freely accessible. No monthly subscription tags. While I’ll need to put on my thinking cap to weave in the passive income magic, the core idea is clear: serve our community and reveal the magic behind the scenes while building a tool that makes generating passive income a breeze.

Having built a similar tool once that not only ensured a monthly passive income but also led to a $90,000 acquisition would be the perfect way to teach more about passive income. If I could do it, so can you for any digital product or service.

So, beautiful soul, strap in. This is our journey to crafting passive income.

The blueprint is ready, and my heart is set on it. Prepare to be taken on a behind-the-scenes journey of every intricate detail that breathes life into a passive income avenue.

Stay tuned for more updates to land in your inbox. I’ll also publish everything to the blog so you can easily find the information there and cover it as many times as you need. 

I’ll be sharing the good, the bad and everything in between. You’ll continue to get emails about the process and I’ll publish all the content over on the blog so it’s easy to find. The content will be free for you to view and will remain on the blog as free content. 

Ready to keep reading? Continue reading and find out what we’re calling this new tool, what inspired me, and what I’m doing first to get the ball rolling. 

If you’re feeling stuck on an idea, head on over to THIS blog post to get your creativity flowing. I listed out all the ways I’ve generated passive income (and even gave some insight on how much $$$ I’ve earned from some of these ideas). 

Ready for more? Join my newsletter and be the first to know about new articles published on the blog, business tips, and of course, all the best strategies and free resources. There’s a reason this list is 70,000 strong!

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FREE Instagram Captions To (Ethically) Swipe

Ready for some FREE Instagram captions to (ethically) swipe? Tailor these to your audience and offer, and watch your engagement increase! You see, I believe in helping my fellow entrepreneurs and small business owners as much as I possibly can. That’s why I’m giving you 7 free IG captions from my Wordsmith membership for FREE!

So swipe away! Tailor these to your audience and offer, and save yourself from the dreaded blinking cursor on a blank page while you’re struggling to come up with yet another social media post.

There aren’t any strings attached – not even an opt-in to click on!

It’s just my way of saying “thank you” for being here.

So here are your FREE IG captions:


Well, hello, new friends! It’s been a minute since I introduced myself. I’m [name and title]. When I’m not chatting with everyone here, you can find me [insert favorite aspect of the job] or [favorite thing to do outside of work]. 

The community we have here is one of my favorite parts of this job because it allows me to really feel like I know so many of you—even if we’re hundreds of miles apart.


Do you ever have those moments where you just wake up and think “is this real life” in a good kind of way? Today was one of those mornings and I really made a point to stop and reflect. 

It’s amazing what a moment of gratitude can do—especially when my next step is to dive back into the work that makes it all possible!

**[Optional: Insert explainer as to how this business/career has impacted your life.]


Instagram vs. reality. In an effort to remind you that Instagram is not a full picture of *real life*, here’s what [what’s in the photo, e.g. “work” or “my desk”] actually looks like. No styling, no curation—just the real deal. [Option to talk about what a typical (work/desk/etc.) looks like.]

It’s so easy to start comparing our real life to what we see posted online and forget that it’s just the very little polished pieces that people typically share online.

We need to remember that those messy moments in life and business are exactly what makes life so beautiful. Take a moment to appreciate those little mundane moments you have throughout your day.


I still remember [landing my first client/making my first sale/etc.] like it was yesterday. Even though I had always known what I wanted to do and believed I could do it, that early moment of validation meant everything to me. I took it as a sign that I was on the right path and that I should keep going—so I did! 

From there, I began planning bigger and better things for my business like [a few examples of how your business developed/evolved in the early days]. And here we are!


“[Review of product or service].”

Tell me this isn’t the best way to start the day!? Thank you so much for the kind words [client, customer name]! It seriously put a smile on my face when I read it this morning.

Now I’m even more excited to get to the office and work on [what you’re currently working on]!


Starting my own business has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. I love what I do, and I know my clients appreciate it as well. That’s why this business is more than just work to me; it’s also an extension of my passion, and it feels like I’m doing exactly what I was born to do. And now, with your support, I can do even more! Thank you so much for being part of this journey with me.


[Insert product or service] is one of my very favorites. Why? Well because [insert details of why you love helping clients with this product or service]! 

As one recent [client/customer] said in a review, [insert some kind words from a review specific to this product.] 

If you’re interested in [Buying/hiring] then be sure to click the link in my bio to learn more!


Oh my goodness, just when I thought that the [best-selling product or service] couldn’t do any better, you guys just proved me wrong by sending some referrals my way!

This is still my most popular offering and I am just so happy you all find it so valuable. If you’re looking to [insert what this product or service will help with], then please click the link in my bio to get started! I can’t wait for you to try it out.


Have fun using these, and watch your engagement increase! But if you’re not sure how to customize these captions for your business, I’ve got you covered. I created a guide specifically to help you (quickly) learn how to tailor captions so they sound like they were written from you directly to your ideal customers. (You can read my guide by clicking here.) Need more than just 7 captions? Let me keep writing for you!

Sign up for an Annual Plan on Wordsmith, and you’ll get instant access to a whole year worth of social media captions to use. OR choose the monthly plan and get new captions delivered every single month.

TIP: There’s a free trial to try out before you ever have to pay a penny. (It’s my way of making sure you really love the membership!)

Ready for more? Join my newsletter and be the first to know about new articles published on the blog, business tips, and of course, all the best strategies and free resources. There’s a reason this list is 70,000 strong!

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FREE Instagram Captions

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How I Make an Income + a Pretty Amazing Impact

Have you ever met someone and thought to yourself…”I know she has a business and doing really well, but what exactly does she do…and how does she actually make an income?!” In this article, I’m going to pull back the curtains and tell you all about my business, how I make an income (and a pretty amazing impact too).

I was talking to a friend and found that although she knew I had a business (for a long time now). She had no idea how I actually made an income and how I got my business to where it is today. I loved that she came out and just asked me more about what I was doing with my business, how I was making an income, and how it all came together. (SPOILER: My business is FAR from where it used to be).

As we finished my conversation, I thought about how maybe others had the same curious questions but just didn’t know how to ask. Which I totally get. I remember when I started my business how little I knew about business structure and all the different incomes you could make. I didn’t even know passive income was a thing since all I knew was the very simple concept of working for an hourly wage.


I thought what I did was pretty clear, but maybe it’s just like that because I’ve lived it for 10+ years. So for the sake of being transparent and pulling back the curtains to those who might be wondering the same thing, here’s everything you ever wanted to know about how I make an income (and a pretty amazing impact too). Over the years, my business has changed, and so has the strategy behind how I make an income. Below I’ll go over everything you might be wondering about. And hopefully, it gives you some ideas on adding these types of income streams to your own business too.



I started as a photographer, which is probably the most simple income to explain. Clients hired me for a service. As much as I loved this little business I built, the one downfall was the time I had to spend away from my family. Shooting sessions all week and weddings on the weekend didn’t leave me with the greatest work/life balance.

If you currently have a service-based business, you knooooow the struggle!

To build a sustainable business, I knew I had to build a business that allowed me to do what I loved while not giving away all my time. I wanted to be able to spend more with the people I loved.

PASSIVE INCOME (With Digital Products)

Eventually, I started selling digital products. (think downloadable digital products). This can be anything from an ebook, a digital backdrop, online courses, presets, or templates. And this really opened my eyes to a new kind of income. PASSIVE INCOME.

This allowed me to focus on creating one digital product that I could sell over and over again while spending more time at home with my little ones.

I’ve created over 700 digital products over the years but am most known for my preset collections made for professional photographers and creatives looking to elevate their photography.

TIP: If your business doesn’t currently have this kind of income, I highly recommend adding it because it really makes such a big difference when you’re just one person who’s constantly dependent on selling their service or one of a kind products. And it might be a whole lot easier to add than you might think. This doesn’t mean you have to flip your entire business around. Look at it as a new income addition to your already established business.


With a CRM Software

Over the last five years, I also built a CRM software called The Essential Studio Manager with my husband. (This company was recently acquired ?). But just like my digital products that generated passive income, it collected monthly payments from active users for using the CRM. Photographers use it to manage all aspects of their business with one tool that’s really easy to use.

It’s just like regular passive income, but it repeats monthly for as long as the customer continues using the software.


Digital Membership/Subscription

I launched Wordsmith in 2021, a digital subscription-based company that generates; you guessed it…passive recurring income by providing monthly professional social media captions for entrepreneurs looking to connect with more clients and customers online.

Are you seeing a trend yet?

Being 10+ years in, I’ve done many different things, everything from service-based, softwares, memberships, and digital products. I have some big ideas for the future that will continue focusing on creating products and services to help entrepreneurs with their businesses. 

Today, about 90% of my focus is on creating resources that generate passive income and 10% on one-off service-based services.

A complete swap from when I first started, and 100% of my income came from being hired for one service.

But you know what the best part is, aside from being able to spend my time working on projects that I love and having more time to spend with my family?

Taking a portion of our income and sponsoring children through Save the Children, one of my favorite non-profits. There’s a special connection with each child, and we have a big binder of photos, letters, and a big world map we’ve used to mark our sponsored children’s locations. Each time we add a new sponsored child to our list, my oldest son helps me with the process.

Although I do many different things, at the core of my business, I want to create something that has a positive impact around the world. Have that be by helping business owners or sponsoring more children around the world.

I hope this quick article gave you some insight into the income you could make with your business. Remember – consider passive income as an addition to your already established business.

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How I Make an Income

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9 Steps to Writing Great Social Media Captions

Social media captions are like the cover of a book; it’s the first thing people see and what draws them in. With just one or two sentences, you can get your audience to lean in closer to hear what you have to say next. So why not put some time into crafting the best captions possible? This guide will show you how to write great social media captions, so your content stands out on social media feeds. Here are nine steps on how to write great social media captions that can help you reach more people on social media than ever before.


Before you even start writing, make sure you have an intention behind every caption. If you’re sharing content from other platforms, it’s important that your caption is focused on two things: prompting users to engage with your original piece of content and driving them back to your website or social media channel. Think about how people interact with captions—then share that level of engagement with your followers.


It may sound silly, but it’s true: When you write on social media, think of your audience as one person. Instead of writing for thousands of people, you’re writing for one individual—and everything you say will speak directly to them. Put yourself in their shoes when you write—will they find it engaging? Does it resonate with them? When in doubt, just pretend like you’re writing a letter to a good friend. 


The first sentence of your post is arguably more important than any other, so take some time to really think about it. Brainstorming ideas for different types of captions can help you come up with something really good. You want readers to be drawn in by what they read and not just click away because they aren’t interested. That first sentence should grab their attention and compel them to read further. This will help boost engagement throughout social media as well as within search engines that often favor content that has higher engagement levels.


If you want them to keep reading what you have to say, try breaking up your posts into shorter paragraphs. The result will be a post that is easy to read and helps you get your point across clearly. As someone who likes to write, keeping it short has always been a struggle, but I’ve also found a lot of success in just writing from the heart. So if you’re like me, don’t worry if not every post you put up isn’t a quick read. Just be sure to break it up a bit to make it easier to read.


There’s no such thing as one-size-fits-all when it comes to social media. The tone and language people and companies choose to use online will vary greatly; I’ve always found it’s important to stay true to what comes naturally to you. As much as I can appreciate people online who have a fun, witty way of writing, keeping things more professional and direct has worked best for me. Stay true to who you are and what comes easiest to you regarding tone and voice.


Your Instagram caption should focus on storytelling. Remember, people come to your feed because they’re looking for something interesting and fun. The last thing you want is for them to hit next and go somewhere else because you couldn’t keep their attention long enough for them to read your entire caption. Try to include a question at the end of the post. Give them something to do once they get done reading your caption. It’s also a really great way to boost engagement and create a two-way conversation online.


The best way to catch your audience’s attention is by telling them a story. Try using personal anecdotes or stories related to your business. The more you practice telling your story, the easier it will become. Your audience will relate better with you and trust what you have to say, and enjoy reading and relating to the stories you share.


This might seem like common sense, but you’d be surprised how many people overlook spelling and grammar. (*so guilty* ??‍♀️) The easiest way to avoid these mistakes is to ask someone else for feedback on your post before you publish it. Or take a quick minute to run your caption through Grammarly (it’s free) and my go-to tool when it comes to double-checking my written work. 


A call-to-action is an extremely powerful tool for connecting with readers on Instagram. A call-to-action is simply an instruction for your audience on what they should do next, like clicking on a link or subscribing to your newsletter. Call-to-actions are a great way to make a post actionable and give your content more valuable. 

When it comes to social media captions you often just have a few seconds to grab someone’s attention, so use these 9 tips. Focusing on a few important elements of writing great captions can make all the difference in the engagement you see on your social media accounts. Know someone who might benefit from learning how to write great social media captions? Forward this article to them!

Download our free social media captions written for business owners HERE. We do all the writing for you each month so you can show up consistently and share your story and creation content your audience actually looks forward to reading!

Ready for more? Join my newsletter and be the first to know about new articles published on the blog, business tips, and of course, all the best strategies and free resources. There’s a reason this list is 70,000 strong!

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This Makes Me 10x More Productive In Business

The key to being more productive on any given day is to focus on what you need to do and make sure you get it done before moving on to the next task or activity. If you keep this daily routine, you’ll be more productive by focusing on one task at a time instead of juggling different tasks from one moment to the next. Here’s how I stay focused throughout my workday.

Define Your Overall Mission and goals

Before you tackle anything else, be sure that you’ve set your end goal clearly in mind. It can take a little time to grasp what you want for yourself in terms of accomplishments and future opportunities. However, once you know what you’re aiming for—and why—the next steps will become more clear. Remember: Write down your mission statement and keep it somewhere easily accessible like your journal or on your phone so that it is always on your mind. Remember that working on the right thing is more important than working hard. 

Do what’s most important every day

Build a daily routine that centers on your top priorities. I call it my critical-path method, and I use it to make sure I get the most important things done every day. It’s simple: Every morning, I sit down and write down my top 5 most important tasks for the day. Then tackle those things in order of importance. I try to complete all five tasks each day, but if I don’t, the uncompleted tasks get transferred to the next day. 

Focusing on just five tasks helps me stay focused and on track. I have another sheet where I jot down random things that still need to happen but aren’t as important. This way I always have a master list of all the things I need to do while still staying focused on the important tasks.

Do What’s Important Before You Do What’s Urgent

The importance of making priorities 

It’s not always easy to make your daily schedule fit your goals, but it’s important to try. Organizing your time and tasks using a prioritized list will make you more productive and help you avoid feeling overwhelmed. Getting organized is an essential first step to take when setting goals or tackling new projects; otherwise, it can feel like you’re busy working all day, without much to show for it. There’s a big difference between being busy and being productive. 

Timeboxing my business tasks

One of my methods to getting things done is what I call timeboxing. Timeboxing is a time management technique that requires you to designate a specific time frame for a specific task. During this time, you only focus on the tasks and remove all other distractions. Again, instead of bouncing from task to task, you focus on something specific. The best part about timeboxing is that it’s very flexible. Just about any work activity can be timeboxed–whether you’re writing an email, preparing for a meeting, or building a spreadsheet.

As a small business owners, it’s easy to try and do all the things all the time and lose focus and momentum in actually getting anything completed. I would rather focus on one project and get it done in a few hours than work on many little things and get nothing done. A good example of this is how I write new content for the Social Media Membership. Instead of writing content for my clients randomly, I sit down and put all my focus on writing great captions. By having a set time to really focus on this one task, I create better content and get it all complete much more efficiently.

Working at the right time

Another really great way to be more productive is knowing what time during the day you do your best work. I used to wake up and the first thing I would do is jump in my inbox and try and answer all my emails. Some days it would take me a few hours in the morning. (Also the time of day I usually feel the most energy and most creative). I realized that after answering my emails and taking a lunch break, I felt more tired and less inspired to work on other projects. 

I now use my morning hours where I feel most inspired to work on important projects. And leave the afternoon and evening hours to answer emails. Something that doesn’t take much inspiration, but certainly a lot of time. Take some time to figure out when you feel most productive vs when you don’t seem to get much done and get your important work done during the right time. 

Do What’s Important Before You Do What’s Urgent

Although there’s a ton of advice that encourages people to focus on urgent tasks first, which might be a good idea for some, but it can be incredibly damaging as an entrepreneur. When things feel urgent but aren’t actually important, it’s easy to become distracted from what really matters. The best way I’ve found to avoid that trap is by creating a daily list in a separate area in my notebook for all the things I still need to do. Then hand-select which ones make it to my priority list each morning. 

Balance Work And Life

It can be hard to find time for everything you want and need during a workday. The less time you have outside of work, though, the less effective you’ll be at work. To stay motivated and productive at your job—and happy in your personal life—it’s important to make sure that you’re making time for yourself and your priorities. Although I’m often guilty of putting time for myself last. I’ve realized that when I find a good balance between work and life, I end up getting more enjoyment out of the work I do.

With a never-ending list of things to do, business owners have to become good at time management. We must know how to maximize our results with the time we have. Identifying your top priorities, time-blocking, and knowing what time you do your best work is the perfect way to get more done in less time! Just don’t forget to find the right balance between life and balance so it’s something you can continue long-term.

Social Media Captions

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5 Secrets to Grow Your Social Media Following

It’s no surprise that social media is one of the best tools to grow your business by connecting with more clients or customers. Although social media has changed a lot over the years, one thing stands true; People will seek to connect with people and brands that they love. In this post, I’ll share with you 5 secrets to growing your social media following quickly.

But as business owners, it’s easy to feel like we’re just not finding the right people online. Scaling a following is a lot of work, and often enough, it’s tied to not having a solid social media strategy. So in this article, I figured it would be fun to list five tips that have helped me the most when it comes to growing a social media following.

Social media continues to grow as the primary method of connecting with ideal clients and customers, so knowing how to use it effectively can be your key to success in business. Although it can be tricky to master, it’s also an essential marketing channel that you should absolutely be using if you haven’t already. While your friends and family members will always be your first fans, you can go beyond this by creating a social media following of people who are truly interested in your brand and what you have to offer them. Here are five steps to grow your social media following and connect with more ideal clients and customers through social media channels like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest.

#1 Be Authentic 

To connect with your ideal client and build a loyal following, you must be yourself. Social media is all about sharing information and connections; it’s not about contrived sales pitches. The more authentic you are on social media and across all your marketing efforts, the better clients will respond to you and your business. And if they don’t respond well? Then they probably aren’t your ideal client anyway—and you needn’t waste time trying to win them over.

#2 Create Content Pillars 

A content pillar is a structure or framework for your brand. Most successful brands have more than one: HubSpot has six, and Zappos has five. Content pillars are there to help you develop specific types of content. So start brainstorming what kind of pillars and strategies might work best for your own business. Remember: It’s not an exact science! If it were, we’d all be doing exactly what everyone else was doing (which would make us interchangeable with our competitors). Just make sure your pillars and strategies give you room to be creative and differentiate yourself from others in your industry over time. This tip alone should help you so much when it comes to growing your social media account.

After testing many different types of content pillars, I’ve found that the following five have done the best for small business owners. 


  • Personal – Sharing things about who you are
  • Engaging – Questions, polls, posts that people can easily engage with.
  • Promotional – Sales, promotions, and other kinds of pitches.
  • Passion – Why you do what you do. 
  • Educational – Sharing helpful tips is a great way to help others and position yourself as an expert in your industry.

By covering these five content pillars, you’ll have enough range in the content you share. Instead of having a page that only posts sales pitches and promotional material, or one that only shares personal posts, you’ll have a perfect balance in the type of content you share and content your audience will be excited to see.

These are the same content pillars I use when I create captions for our Curated Captions members. This way, my clients have a whole month of content ready to go and have the perfect mix of captions.  

If you’d like to see what that looks like, sign up for free and get instant access to a whole month of social media captions that are ready for you to customize and post! 


#3 Engage With Ideal Clients and Customers

If you have a business, chances are you spend a lot of time using social media in hopes of connecting with your ideal customer or client. The key with social media is realizing that not everyone will be part of your online community—focusing on ideal clients and customers will help your business grow more effectively. When building your following, find ways to connect with people who need what you offer. For example, if you own a personal training business, share tips for putting healthy habits in place or useful tips for eating clean and cutting out processed foods. You’ll not only engage new potential customers but also show off your expertise.

#4 Develop Stronger Relationships

This is a key component of any social media marketing strategy. You can create many connections without necessarily developing relationships (or scaling your business), but these connections will be few and far between. In order to grow your social media following, you need to build a strong connection with the right kind of people. Don’t just post content, and disappear but make sure to take time to engage with others, especially those who are taking the time to engage with your content. 

#5 Post Consistently 

Consistency is key in everything you do. It’s easy to get stuck in a routine, but if you want your social media following to grow, it’s essential that you post consistently. You never know where new clients might come from and showing up consistently will pay off quickly when it comes to anything you do in life and business. 

Although social media continues to grow and provide a wide range of ways for you to promote your brand, there are a few things you should always remember: make it personal, use images that represent your brand, build an audience over time, and don’t just push out content. Post with a purpose and make real connections with the right people. All of these will help ensure that your efforts pay off in a big way. I hope these 5 secrets to growing your social media following tips help you connect to more customers and clients online!

It’s up to you as an entrepreneur to decide what works best for your business—but following these five tips should be part of every strategy.

Don’t forget; Behind every brand, there’s a passion and a story.

Start sharing yours today. Grab that free month of captions to get started!


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I'm Elena, your


CEO friend.

Multi-passionate, CEO of multiple companies, mama of four, obsessed with all things business and marketing, ready to help you attract your ideal client and customer. My goal is to give you the strategies and tools to grow your business so you can save time, get real results and focus on what matters most.

Want to know more about me and how I got here?

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