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Flodesk vs. Mailchimp (why I made the switch)

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My name is Elena and I'm a Multi-passionate, writer, wife, and mama of four. These days, I'm all about putting pen to paper, sharing the wisdom and resources I've gathered so you, too, can create something unapologetically beautiful and authentically you.

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When I first started setting up my email marketing strategy, I spent some time looking at the different options and then eventually decided to go with Mailchimp. It was one of the most popular platforms (at the time). And being completely new to email marketing, I wanted something easy to use and affordable for my small business. Mailchimp was free to use up to 2,500 subscribers, which made it the perfect option. Or so I thought… In this article, I’ll cover Mailchimp vs. Flodesk, and why I made the decision to make the switch over to Flodesk.

Starting from ZERO, I knew I was able to use their platform for free for up to 2,500 subscribers. Not knowing anything about email marketing, I remember that number felt HUGE to me. 2500 on my list? That would be amazing. I figured that if that were to happen, I’d be totally ok with paying for their service and continuing to grow my list. (or so I thought…)


Over the years, I continued to build my list. Eventually grew past the 2500 subscribers on the free plan and hopped onto a paid plan. I continued using Mailchimp for a long time. I grew my list to 5,000…then 10,000. 

It was long until I reached 20,000 and 30,000 subscribers. At this point, I realized that with every new subscriber, my bill was growing too. Each month I’d go through my list and clean it to make sure I was only growing my list with people that were actively opening my emails. (However, I didn’t want to pay more for those that didn’t open my emails as much). 

I spent more time minimizing my growing list to avoid the constantly rising cost than actually enjoying email marketing, as I had earlier. Then, I hit 70,000 subscribers, and my MONTHLY bill in Mailchimp was over $700. I spent every single month asking myself…is this worth it?! 

To be honest, I also wasn’t a big fan of Mailchimp. It always felt clunky and glitchy. And spent who knows how many hours frustrated with how complicated it was to create a simple opt-in and segment people into the right audience list and start workflows. Everything was a constant headache, and I had to pay the heavy price tag of $700 monthly for it. 


I stumbled across Flodesk and INSTANTLY signed up after seeing their famous tag line “Unlimited emails and subscribers, forever.” Followed by;

You’ll never be penalized for successfully growing your business again.


You know when you find your dream product and feel like the company instantly get’s what you need? That’s 100% what Flodesk did. They understood what I really wanted and needed for my business and NAILED the execution. 

The simple fact that I could have an email marketing provider that would no longer penalize me for growing my list was huge. And that reason alone was enough for me to jump over from Mailchimp to Flodesk.

If you’re hoping to try Flodesk and need a 50% off link, you’re welcome to use my referral link, which will automatically give you the 50% off as well. Enjoy a 30-day FREE trial. No credit card is needed. CLICK HERE TO GET 50% OFF FLODESK


When you’re first getting started with growing your list. You might not think much about how much a list that’s 70,000 or 100,000+ subscribers is going to cost you per month. It’s easy to forget the big picture. But, the right email marketing platform should serve you in the most positive way, not just as you get started but as you scale your business and list. Mailchimp vs Flodesk (I’m willing to say that Flodesk will come out on top for you as well).

I’ll say it again when I started my list at ZERO, I didn’t even bother to check to see how much a 70,000 list would cost me. So if you’re getting started, take it from someone who’s been there. Make sure to look into the future and partner with a company that won’t penalize you for growing your list. That is the last thing you want. 


I love using Flodesk so much and saw such great success with building my list that I launched a service to help other business owners to do the same.

Maybe building an email list and getting everything set up and automated has been on your to-do list forever. But you have no idea where to start. And what you really need is someone that can set it up for you the *right way* and actually start seeing your list grow with subscribers who are excited to see you land in their inbox. 

With the Email marketing service, you’ll get a fully set up Flodesk account. Including a strategy with opt-ins to grow your list and an automated welcome sequence to make your new subscribers excited about being on your list. 


  • Flodesk set up 
  • Custom questionnaire 
  • Subscriber segmentation
  • Custom welcome sequence 
  • Opt-in strategy to grow list

If that sounds like something you’d love to do, send me a message to get on the list! I only take a limited amount of new clients for this service and would love to chat more.

P.S. This service is also perfect for anyone that has read the Mailchimp vs Flodesk article and has decided they would like to switch but feel overwhelmed with the idea of migrating everything over.

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I'm Elena, your


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Multi-passionate, CEO of multiple companies, mama of four, obsessed with all things business and marketing, ready to help you attract your ideal client and customer. My goal is to give you the strategies and tools to grow your business so you can save time, get real results and focus on what matters most.

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